
Just left my alcoholic boyfriend

by  |  earlier

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  1. i know this is a very serious matter, but take a look at his birth chart and help him find his soul mate--this person can make all the difference.

  2. Wow that is tough.... he is obviously going through alot ,and you already know why.... it sounds like he has not had an easy life, and is in alot of pain and his substance abuse stems from all of what has happened to him... its ok that you  left because that iswhat you felt that you needed to do... it was probably just your intuition, gut instinct. Maybe if you did stay, like you said, you might have been next, and that would have made things even worse.. I'm not sure, to be honest, as to what you should do next... Obviously he needs help, and needs someone there for him. He is depressed, and hopefully not suicidial, but he definately needs you (or someone) to help him/ be there for him, and to let him know that needs to be done. If I were you I would wait till he sobers up, and then let him know exactly how you feel about him, and about everything thats happened, and then let him know how much you care about him, and that you need him and need him to get better. Let him know you will be there for him, but let him know how hard this is for you now. You know, just speak exactly whats on your mind and what you feel you need to say and get off your chest.....  i don't know, let me know what happens!

  3. Wow that is tough.... he is obviously going through alot ,and you already know why.... it sounds like he has not had an easy life, and is in alot of pain and his substance abuse stems from all of what has happened to him... its ok that you  left because that iswhat you felt that you needed to do... it was probably just your intuition, gut instinct. Maybe if you did stay, like you said, you might have been next, and that would have made things even worse.. I'm not sure, to be honest, as to what you should do next... Obviously he needs help, and needs someone there for him. He is depressed, and hopefully not suicidial, but he definately needs you (or someone) to help him/ be there for him, and to let him know that needs to be done. If I were you I would wait till he sobers up, and then let him know exactly how you feel about him, and about everything thats happened, and then let him know how much you care about him, and that you need him and need him to get better. Let him know you will be there for him, but let him know how hard this is for you now. You know, just speak exactly whats on your mind and what you feel you need to say and get off your chest.....  i don't know, let me know what happens!

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