
Just looked at a horse.?

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She seemed really nice. The owner said she was about 15 but she looked much younger and had great manners. The owner practicaaly just gave her to me and said here you can do whatever you want and see what she does and how she acts. I am looking for something that I can grow with, that needs a bit of work. She is very well trained but hasn't been ridden in shows and stuff for awhile, which,for me, was a good thing. She was so beautiful although her mane needs some trimming and maybe a slinky but her owner keeps VERY good care of her. She has great ground manners and as sson as I met her, she put her teenage daughter bareback up and she was fine so she popped me up and she felt great. She is very sound, has straight legs and a great head.

She was a little anxious and seemed very alert. She had no rainrot, hairloss, nothing. She was beautiful. Her two back legs had white socks but the front didn't. For a horse who had some foals, she was great. She isn't overly muscular but she isn't




  1. Congratulations, sound like a winner.  A horse is like a good friend, if you take care of them they will take care of you. These animals really do have personalities and they can get just as attached to you as you do to them.  I hope you made a new friend for life. Good luck to both of you and your future together.

  2. that fits the description of both of my mares. i can ride bothof them over jumps bareback with no bridle, just a rope around their neck. i could sell them easily.

    but when you take them somewhere, they freak out because they are mares. be leery of mares. always try them out away from their home.

  3. 1. NEVER buy a horse without a vet check and especially X-rays of all four feet to rule out any developing problems. Corrective shoes are expensive.

    2. When the vet comes out (if the mare isn't papered) ask the vet to give you an opinion on her age.

    When you rode did you walk, trot and canter in both directions? Did you do everything wrong on purpose to see if she'd get upset? Stand behind the horse, grab her tail with both hands and pull - not kidding. If she doesn't brace against you she may have a neurological disorder. Push her from both sides, same thing.

    How are her feet? Does she have front shoes, all four shoes, corrective shoes? If you have a farrier in mind have him/her come take a look at the horse's feet.

    Ride more than 2 times before you buy. Although it's a nice dream that all horse sellers want to find the perfect match for Black Beauty that more often than not is not the case. Riding more than 2 times lets you know how consistent the horse will be. For all you know the time you rode her today was a fluke and she's never that calm.

    Beware the anxious horse, unless you know what she was anxious about. "Alert" can be looking for trouble, literally.

  4. You should always have a pre purchase vet exam performed.  If after you ride her on Sunday you are still interested in her, then have the vet come before the deal is final.  I'm assuming you have looked at more than just this one horse?  It's best to have several to compare, then narrow it down to what you really like before getting to the point of scheduling a vet check.

    When you ride her Sunday, be sure you saddle and bridle her to see how it goes.  Try to have all your questions in mind and ask, ask, ask everything you could ever want to know about the horse and her history.  She sounds very nice, although you say she seemed you know why she would be anxious?  Just something to think about.

  5. sounds good, wish that would have been my horse to grow with,

    wen i told my grandpa thats wat i wanted, he went out and bought a praticly wild paint that had no trainig for me to start out on, hes a great horse now

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