
Just made my first blog. Who reads these/finds them?

by Guest58922  |  earlier

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I have never done a blog on here before. Who reads these and where are the"public" at? And where can I find others?




  1. You need to go to your seach page on your 360

    Type in age,female,male and location

    Have them close to home or from all over the world

    Click on their avatars and visit their page.

    Read their profile if you have things in common

    Click on the Plus under their photo/avatar

    This submits a invitation

    Leave comments on pages and this makes you view counter go up

    You also can page hop, click on a avatar here, like mine, then just click on my friends avatar and so on and son,  submit the invitation to the ones you like.

  2. For help with blogging and marketing go here:

    Tons of help!

  3. The public are "out there". You can find others several different ways:

    1) click on avatars--either here on Y!Answers or on 360. If someone has a 360 who is answering here on Y!A, you can usually look at their profile and see a link. When you click on an avatar on 360 it will take you to the other person's page.

    2) If you are interested in certain things, you can set up a list on your 360 that 360 then converts into links. You can click on these links and find others who are interested in the same things you are.

    3) You can do a search for blogs or blogging sites. This will take you to all the blogs you want to read! :-) You can also do a search by topic. Also, at the top of the 360 page, there is a "search" feature. You can use this to search also.

    If I can help further, just add additional comments to this question, I'll check back.

    Btw, Like your page! ;-)


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