
Just meet a guy & had s*x with him on the first date & he does not pay u any mind what should u do ?

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Just meet a guy & had s*x with him on the first date & he does not pay u any mind what should u do ?




  1. You should change your name to Miss Fluffer and go find Ron Jeremy.

  2. Well, it's pretty obvious why he wanted to go out with you. Drop him like a hot potato and chalk it up to a lesson learned.

    p.s. kind of a strange question for the hockey section!

  3. next time keep your legs together sweetheart............

  4. If it's only been a few days just be patient, otherwise accept that it was a one night stand and wait till the third or fourth in future if you don't want to be a booty call.

  5. Date a guy for a while, get married to him if you like him, and THEN have s*x.......

    and also like Hockey more...


    WRONG SECTION!!!!!!!

  7. Go Blackhawks!!  Wait, is THIS QUESTION about hockey?  Am I going to get reported AGAIN?  Learn how to post in the correct catagory, they are clearly marked when asking questions.

  8. The best thing that you can do is learn from this mistake.You need to  realize that any guy that is worth being with will be willing to wait until there is a solid relationship before having s*x.  

  9. You should learn a valuable lesson , that most guys only want one thing and will say and do anything to get it. Then, they move on to the next conquest.

    PS- 90% of guys will say thats not what they are after, but they are lying to you and themselves. The other 10% are those sappy guys who will end up stalking you because they are lonely, desperate and insecure.

    PSS- Guys are hoping they get lucky on a first date. BUT, if they do get lucky on the first date, they most likely wont have respect for you and wont date you.

  10. If he does not pay, send him to a collection agency - unless he's a hockey player - in which case he's a millionaire so don't throw him back.

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