
Just miscarried and found out my sister is pregnant HELP!!

by  |  earlier

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I have recently had a miscarriage due to a blighted ovum. I am utterly devastated as it took 2 years to conceive and terrified I won't be able to again. As I try to pick up the pieces, I have just now found out my sister is pregnant (we would have been due at the same time - nobody told me). I am so confused and jealous.....She has 3 boys, and although I am happy for her...I can't help but wonder why not me???? How can I feel better within myself?




  1. ive been there, i miscarried then 2mos later found out my sister was pregnant. i was so devestated and i had disgusting thoughts because i was so bitter and depressed. it not easy now, and it doesnt get any easier. until you come to terms with what you have lost, the jealousy will never stop.

    Nichola - Mummy to 11mos old Sophie x*x

  2. i don't know if you believe in God or not but he has great plans for us. You should not worry about it just leave it to God and he can do anything. If your sister is pregnant its good you can show her how much you care about her and feel about her. One day you will definitely be pregnant then you will feel embarrass that what you were thinking about your sister. So don't jealous.

  3. im so sorry, you will be blessed with an angel, just give it time. for now, be happy for her.

  4.   hi im kind of in the same situation . but my husband has no sperm and we are trying sperm donation. when i found out my brothers girl friend was preadnet all i thought was why not me i tryed to be positive about it and she gave birth to a pritty little girl my heart acked seeing her for the first time asking god why not me now every time i see her my heart acks even more but i have to controll thoughts feeling because i will loss my brother and  when i come home i cry in my husbands arms. now i look at it like i can share her childhood and i can watch her grow and go to her birthday partys and i can spoile her. but now and agine my heart acks. what i did was to be happy for them as hard as it was. it tour me in hafe and i told my brother i was jellourse and you now what he said thank you sis and she will always have your in life. so it was ok to be jellourse and the pain seems ok one min and the next it will hurn. i think you got to be honist with your sis have a chat with her and im sure she will understand your feeling and she can help you and the good thing isi can go to my bro when /if our one comes along and ask for help .just be brave and honised about your feelings dont keep them llocked up as this just makes your feeling worse trust me i hope you all the luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

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