
Just my luck, I'm sick?

by  |  earlier

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This school year has been boring and finally tonight my friend is having a party. I've been looking forward to it all week and now I have a cold. I'm not horribly sick just a tiny little cold: headache, kind of a stuffy nose/blocked up head and i'm more tired than usual. I really want to go, staying home is not an option. I would if I had to like I was actually sick with a fever and felt like c**p but that's not the case. So I took an advil and decongestant and I'm feeling better but I'm still kind of sleepy, and I need alot of energy tonight to have fun and dance. What should I do?

BTW I didn't know where to put this question and I ask the majority in this section, so I just went with it.




  1. i would def stay at home. Your body can not heal itselft if you do not give it time to recover. Get your pjs on and have a early night or in front of the tv.

    You will just feel rubbish all night else wishing u were home :-)

  2. alright, I had a cold a few days ago but its almost gone

    this is stuff that I did and it helped and I ran 13 miles on the day it was worst

    drink hot tea "lots" after a glass, have another and keep doing this until you stomach hurts, and tilt your head up so you can clean your throat

    when you have the water boiling inhale the steam

    take a really hot long bath

    take some meds

    eat hot and spicy food

    get fluids

    do a little exercise, it may sound stupid but it will boost your immunes system, release endorfance and help unclog nasal passages

    runn or do some sort of cardio work out and make sire theres sweat, its important to sweat and make you nose run, it sounds diqusting but it will workk, you need to get drenched in sweat, make your nose run the clear snot like crazy and drink water when you do it understand?

    eat alot of friuts, V-C and a bunch of energy

    get sleep

  3. Get a few good hours of sleep now. Take some Advil or something like that and Vit C tablets before you go out and you should be ok for at least a few hours. If you start feeling bad/worse there, you can always go home early.

    Enjoy the party!

  4. Take some medicine and forget about your cold and just go out and enjoy the party! :D


  5. Sorry to hear that you're sick!

    Try drinking some tea and taking a hot shower to wake you up! Tea always clears your nasal passages.

    Hope you feel better and have fun at the party if you go!

  6. Truthfully,what CAN you do?Having a cold is natural,you cant change it.I've had loads of colds before on big days and I manage just fine.You may be thinking that you'll get tired and stuff,but just the excitement keeps you going.If you get tired,you can always rest for a few minutes and tell your friends that your suffering from a cold.Have some hot chocolate,painkiller medicine and a couple of tissues and you will be able to manage just fine.Its going to be okay,trust me:).

  7. maybe you could eat some food, that would give you energy. coffee, tea or hot chocolate will wake you up and/or give you energy too. also drink plenty of water today because it will freshen you up, and maybe help the cold if you are drinking healthily.

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