
Just need some opinions or other experiences?

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My husband and I are TTC w/ # 2 right now. I have a 2 year old son that I had an emergency c-section with. I was just wondering if doctors ALWAYS do another c-section when you've had one previously or if they sometimes let the baby be delivered vaginally? If so how safe is it to have a vaginal delivery after C-sections? The only stories I've heard of it were horror stories. Just wanted to get some other opinions or experiences on the the subject.




  1. I have heard, not from experience, that sometimes, depending on the reason or why a C-section was done, a woman can have a vaginal delivery afterwards. And, I don't think a doctor would have you do it if it weren't safe. It seems, though, that most people only tell stories with extreme results, so it makes sense that only the horror stories are those you hear. Sorry I can't give you more advice, other than the fact that I do know women who have done so or plan to do so, but I hope others can share with you their positive examples, or at least help you in your situation. Good luck.

  2. a lady i know had an emergency c section w/ her first child and she may be induced w/ her 2nd child but she is going to have her 2nd child vaginally. she seems confident about it, and so does her dr! good luck! :)

  3. My fiancee also had an emergency c-section with my son who was born premature and when she gave birth to my youngest son they said they have to do a c-section because of the other c-section so I guess they give you no choice.

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