
Just need to vent a little:(?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i'm going on my 6th month now and getting very frustrated. I have been doing all of the crazy charting and opk kits, trying to have s*x on my fertile days and nothing seems to be working. I was sure I was pregnant this month and got the AF this morning. This month we are going to stop all of the charting and stuff, just relax and baby dance every other day. Is anyone else giving up on that stuff and just letting nature take it's course? I am going to get the prenatal vitamins and hope that helps. It is such a let down every month and it's crushing me. It's crazy how the mind works and will convince you that you are having pregnancy symptoms when you want something so bad.




  1. no you do not need a prescription for preseed at all, you can order it online. if your in australia then go to, i think if your in the states you can get it directly from their website,

    as for your frustration, im sorry to hear about af, ive only been ttc since may and im not even really actively doing so, but as soon as i decide i want a kid my cycles get so freaking out of whack and my periods just stop coming, ive had one period in the last 5 months and its driving me effing nuts!

    i was gonna go the whole opk, bbt route but ive decided i dont want to live and breathe baby making because it seems the ones that do it that way it takes the longest for them to get pregnant and then when af arrives they get so distraught, i dont want to be one of those people.

    anyways good luck this month, hopefully you get that bfp and definitely get some preseed.

  2. I am sorry AF came, I really was hoping that you would have luck this month. . . my OB told me to start prenatal vitamins before I started to try because it would help me conceive. . .

    We will see I am hoping that AF doesn't come this month shes already 10 days late. So hoping she stays gone. . . Going to HPT again tomorrow waiting for a BFP which hasn't come yet but I will not give up hope. . I haven't charted I just new that around 14 days i would ovulate so i had s*x from the time i finished my period to the end of the month whenever we wanted. . . wishing you BABY DUST FOR NEXT MONTH. . .

  3. I feel for you I do.  My hubby and me have been trying for four months now and nothing.  I always think I'm pregnant too and then AF comes.  I was thinking of trying preseed.  I get really sad too.  It's like I have friends that just sit next to their partner and get pregnant and for me, it's really hard.  I'm just leaving it up to God and trying to relax this time and not think about it so much.  

  4. i so sorry for you, but i know how you feel me and my fiance had been trying for 3 years with no avail. wouldn't you know it i was made redundant from my stressful job and in the next 4 months i found out i was pregnant.

    for me I'm assuming it was the stress of my job with the stress of not being able to get pregnant, other than that i haven't changed a thing.

    i wish you good luck for the future.

  5. I found that when you try so hard it doesn't happen but once you quit trying, boom, there you are pregnant!! I have a friend that was trying for 6 years to get pregnant and I told her not to try so hard and 3 months later she was pregnant. I hope that it happens for you soon.

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