
Just need to vent abut how some mothers are towards their kids!?

by Guest57689  |  earlier

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I may not be a perfect mom but i try my hardest and i take care of my son. Some of these mom are just idiots to be honest. I know most of you are great parents but some of these moms have children and dont know a d**n thing. How do ppl put their kids in car seats wrong its jsut common sense. Also when you wipe your kids butt make sure you get all the p**p off! some ppl dont take their kids to the hospital when they need to and its just so upsetting how some moms care about themselves and thats it. i know i care about my son way more then myself and would give my life for him most moms would. I just dont understand i guess. I cant imagine how someone can have a child and just not carea bout them.




  1. omg, i really know what you mean. i was in target today paying off a chrissy lay by and there was a mother there with her children, and her daughter wanted a new skirt, the mother turns around and screams really loudly at the little girl. " well your not fu***ng having it, put it back before i belt your ****" i was so shocked. the little girl ended up throwing a tantrum, ( as kids do) and the mother yanked her up by the arm and was swearing at her. i honestly couldn't believe it. i don't see why people have children if they are going to treat them like that. i mean no ones perfect but come on, i'm sure she could have done a bit better than that.

  2. I so get where you are coming from, I know one women (used to be friends but I can't be around her now or I think I would hit her) like that and it shocks me beyond belief, she was soooo neglectful she would lock her then 3yr old up in her bedroom, and wouldn't let her out simply because she couldn't be bothered watching her (with the girl screaming and pounding on the door to be let out) after being locked up for like 3 hours before I arrived. and her youngest one was on the filthy floor (crawling stage) and her nappy was hanging off her and dragging on the ground as it was that full of pee and p**p, this child ALWAYS had the most severest nappy rashes I have ever seen in my life. I offered to take the older one for a few hours to give her a break (just trying to get the kid out of the house for a while for some fresh air) and I offered to change the youngest one goodness knows how many times but she kept saying no, so when she went outside for smoke after seeing this disgusting nappy for half an hour I went and changed it and just didn't say anything (she is that neglectful she didn't even notice), Welfare was called on her by several people, but somehow she put on a huge act and fooled them every time, she went on to have another lil girl to a new guy and no doubt still doing the same things. Yet the Father of the 2 1st girls was trying to get his then 4yr old into knickers and toilet train her (on his visitation weekends)  she was really good and fully trained, but the friggin cow of a mother would put her back in nappies as soon as she got her home again. even though she was toilet trained.  wouldn't feed them properly, keep them in clean clothes nothing, but somehow is always sporting new clothes, hair do and makeup whilst the kids are going down hill.

    Why did she have them only to neglect them, I just don't understand it.

    These girls do sooo well with their father, and don't want to go home to their mother at all, but have to, hopefully the father will have full custody soon, even half custody is better then nothing for these children. it PEEES me off something severe to see kids mistreated or neglected.

  3. i agree....i had a mom in my neighborhood yell at me and call me names and say F in front of my kid and hers...and everyones in the neighborhood and acting like a trailer park queen.....and this was because  HER KID PUNCHED MY KID AND BUSTED HIS HEAD!....she yelled at me and told me my kid shouldnt have been on  her stree then!.....but thats the neighborhood park street where alll the kids go........i wanted to kick her asss so bad but i mean there were kids there.......inthe long run she looked like the ***......she doesnt need to be a mother.....raising the neighborhood bully and wont tell him thats wrong.....unbeleivable.

  4. maybe you should worry about your own backyard.

  5. I was just having this conversation with my cousin 2 days ago...we were talking about her brothers ex-girlfriend and how her baby is always sick...once she let the little boys fever get so high that he passed out and went into convulsions and the ambulance had to come get him! I couldn't believe it cause I am the type of mom that if it even seems borderline my *** is at the ER with my kids in a heartbeat! Also, they just baptized the little boy (he's almost 5) a couple weeks ago and he had a fever again and vomiting and she just sat there like nothing...the poor boy  was passed out on one of the chairs and everyone from my side of the family kept asking her if he was ok, if she wanted us to run to the store to get medicine to reduce the fever and she said husband told me that he thought it was odd that the boy is always sick ever since her and my cousin broke up and he now has a new baby..and he thinks that she is making him sick on purpose to get attention from my cousin....scary to even think about....and now my cousin that i was talking to (the sister of the boys dad) was telling me that he has some really bad rash on his butt and the Dr said that its was yeast? I had never heard about it but my cousin says that it is really bad and the boy is always in pain...I just don't know how a mom can just let their kid 2yr old daughter woke up with a rash and i was in the Dr's office with her by 1pm that afternoon....I just don't get it! I would NEVER EVER let my kids just suffer and ignore a medical need or any need that they may need for that matter....

  6. I wouldn't be so quick to judge.  Every parent makes mistakes, sometimes in public.   That doesn't mean they don't love their children just as much as you love yours.  Most of the time, the mistakes aren't serious and we learn from them.  In the rare case where parental stupidity has had serious consequences, the story gets highly publicized, and we might be tempted to thinks these kinds of things happen a lot. They don't. In the end, most of us just stumble along from day to day and give thanks if our kids turn out as happy and well-adjusted as most.   Relax and enjoy your little boy.

  7. I feel your frustration. I understand. Go to your local grocery store and just pay attention to some of the mothers, and fathers, around you its bewildering... My theory has been that they have had children for the wrong reasons..sorry but its true. I also believe that A LOT of these parents out here have NO PRIDE in their children, they just DONT CARE. They let them do whatever they want, talk anyway they want, the list goes on and on. Some people should not have children because they are too selfish. Like i said, they have had children for the wrong reasons. How do you put a child in a car seat wrong???  

  8. I completely understand what you are saying. I have two boys 10 and 12 years old. Actually they are my stepsons, they call me mom and as far as we are all concerned they are my boys I have been with them since they were 1 and 3 years old. Obviously my husband has had custody of them. When I first met my husband their mother was involved up until 4 years ago then she started having kids with her new husband and hasn't seen them in 4 years and has not called and spoken to them in 1.5 years. I just don't understand it, my oldest is a cancer survivor and she only came to the hospital once while he had multiple treatments there over the course of 2 years.

    I joke with my husband and tell him that if it didn't work out between us I will take him to court for visitation because these are my boys and I love them more than anything in this world and couldn't imagine living without them. But it happens more and more that these women are giving birth to children and just don't care. It really angers me too, because there are women out there that would love to have children but can't because they are infertile. I totally know what you are saying.

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