
Just need to vent alittle?

by  |  earlier

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So like I said yesterday I went to see my OBGYN . . . I am 7 days late today. . . and getting all neg test. . . i just dont feel myself at all and i think i am pregnant. . . i got pink CM on july 30th and im never late and have never missed a period. . . . so i was due on the 5th or 6th of this month and it didnt come yet. . .I went to the DR to talk to her about what is going on and to get a blood test. . . She took urine and was like nope you arent these test are accurate i was like um can we do a blood test please and she said the lab closed at 430 so there is no one here to take your blood make another appointment and make it earlier so we can do blood work. Thats when i lost it because I talked to the nurse and told her what was going on and she said that she will give me a appointment so we can do all the necessary tests. . but they did no test and sent me home with only this "wait another week or two and retest with a HPT they are accurate. . " ok so if there is something wrong with me i wont know till when. . . ahhhhhh so annoying. . . still hoping to be preggers. . . my cousin didnt test positive till she was 9 weeks along so hoping that im just gonna be late at testing.




  1. I'm sorry you are going through this, I know it's frustrating. I tried to get a DR. appointment and they can't get me in until September...whats the point if I have to wait that long.  I am supposed to start af this friday and I tested negative this morning, so I'm hoping like you that it just didn't pick up enough of the hormone yet. I will keep my fingers crossed and pray that we both get a BFP very soon.

  2. sorry

  3. i am totally in the same predicament i'm over 12 days late and my doc says keep testing and call us with the results they said if i don't start by next week then they will do a blood test or an exam... why don't they just do it in the first place and get the answers we are looking for... do they realize we want to have children and the longer they tell us to wait the longer it makes us hormonal women crazy...  

  4. I hear you on the frustration.  That was rude of the staff to have you come in at a time that they knew all of the tests could not be performed.  7 days may be a little soon to be able to get accurate tests from anything other than blood so try to take a deep breath and make the new appt. so you can get your blood work done.  Good luck with your quest!!!!!

  5. So sorry the office isn't more helpful!  It takes about 5 seconds to write an order for a blood test; I can't imagine why they wouldn't do that for you.  I know I've done that w/ my doc before... requested a blood test and had one faxed to the lab within minutes.  And you're right, the blood tests are more accurate because they're more sensitive.  I can understand you're frustration.  Maybe you can call and tell them this, and say you'll be looking for a new doc if they can't do such a simple thing for you?

    I don't know, but I wish you the very best of luck.  :)

  6. Have you ever noticed how vets seem to care a lot more than people doctors?  I've always wondered why that is?  

    Anyways going back to your question about why your tests keep coming up negative.  You can still be pregnant and receive a negative pregnancy test when you are nearly a week late.  All pregnancy tests essentially work the same in which they detect the pregnancy hormone HCG but some are more sensitive than others.  The levels of HCG in your body double every 2 to 3 days.  But you might start off with very very low levels so it may take a while for an HPT to detect that you are pregnant.  That's maybe why your cousin was 9 weeks late before the test showed she was pregnant.  But then again there could be other factors of why your period is late.  However since it's never been late I'm inclined to say that you are probably pregnant but the test isn't detecting enough HCG.  

    Keep us posted and yeah I would probably change doctors too.  

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