
Just out of curiosity? Bettas and other fish?

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I own a 1g tank

In that one gallon tank there lives;

2 female bettas - When I bought them they said females don't fight tsk tsk o_o

3 danions - didn't want to buy 2 more bc of lil space o.O;; but they will have more companions

2 Corydoras - They are so cute ;)

They are young fish

I only had a problem when my two bettas lived together, Cleo would always attack Sardinha, but when I put in the three danions, Cleo became very nice. Then I added two Corydoras (How do you s*x them?) to keep the bottom clean and they are all swimming happily together. Seriously >_>

I will be buying a 10g tank next week. And I'm think of adding another 5 danions, another 2 corydoras and another two female bettas o_o Would that be okay? If not what other fish could I use oh and also two PC o.O;; They are the algea feeders with a round mouth o_o Cute little things? Any suggestions? 10points for best answer




  1. You currently have plenty of fish for a 10 gallon tank.  It may be difficult, but please resist the urge to buy more.

    Female cories have a rounder body than males, especially when view froom above.  Can't be sexed when immature, that I know of anyway.

    Be aware that catfish don't eat waste, so you still need to clean your tank often.  The one gallon with that many fish should be cleaned daily with a 25% water change being done.

    Best, cut your fish down to one betta for the one gallon.

    Of course, if you don't care if you fish are dead, you could leave out the water and fill the tank to the top with fish.

  2. thats a lot of fish in a 1gaL but if ur getting a 10gaL in a week that coo everything seems ok but the female bettas im not 2 sure i had 5 in a 10gal tank they did great make one of them was way bigger then the rest and it pucked the small ones so

    every thing is ok just make sure the bettas a close to the same size and if they stary killing each other get 1 more betta

  3. the fish are crying but u cant see it. when you move them into the ten gallon there will not be enough room for any more fish.

  4. ok first off female bettas have like weird little cycles they go through. i had 2 together in a 10 gallon and they were fine for a year and then they beat the crao outta each other then they were fine then they fought....idk. corys are awsome fish. probly my fav. the males hav a pointed dorsal fin and are smaller. females hav a rounded dorsal fin and are fatter.i have a male betta in a 30 gallon with guppys and corys and he'll be swimmin n then he'll seee a cory n look at it like "what the..." but hes been in there for a year and its still the same thing lol.for the 10 gallon, well adding more danios would be good cause they like to swim in little groups. same with the corys. you will be getting a filter for them right? it would help out alot. good luck!

  5. I suggest keeping the female bettas out of the new tank, because bettas have a thing where they like to gang up on their fellow tankmates and well, lets just say bye bye tankmate. I say for a ten gallon, get 2 more danios as 5 is the minimum for a school and the corys should be fine, or else get 1 more cory. DON'T get anymore bettas! Unless you are willing to buy another 10 gallon tank with equipment and have a betta sorority (all females) tank.

  6. wow, thats a lot of fish for a one gallon aquarium, i would go with one female betta in one of those, but atleast ur upgrading, which is a good thing....if u want 4 female bettas, you should keep the corys, and maybe a few danios, then you wont be too over stocked. maybe 4 females bettas, 3-4 danios, and 3-4 corys, and that would be the best i think, and you shouldnt have to worry about overstocking. good luck, and get those fish out of the one gallon as fast as possible

  7. How long have those fish been living in a 1 gallon tank?! The fish you have now are more than enough for the 10 gallon tank your getting and they are too many for the tank you have now.

    Be concerned about giving care to the fish you have now and don't worry about more...

  8. Get rid of the danios. They are schooling fish that need to live in groups of 5-6 fish. Which you don't have room for even in a 10 gallon tank.

    Get 3 more female bettas and keep the corydoras as they are. Female bettas aren't as aggressive (for the most part) in groups of 4-6 which CAN be kept in a 10 gallon tank with a couple bottom dwellers like corydoras. The reason they are less aggressive is because they establish a hierarchy, like in a wolf pack. With only two bettas, there is only an alpha female and an omega female. Thus, one beats on the other all the time. In a group or pack setting if you will, there is an alpha and then many "positions" (the other females) between it and the omega or weakest female. Thats why it usually works.

  9. 8 danios

    4 corydoras

    4 female bettas need

    need about 25 gallons heated minimum

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