
Just out of curiosity???

by Guest61141  |  earlier

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When a guy releases is seaman inside of you can you feel it?




  1. that depends. On how the squirt will be. Some guys just don't squirt at all so it doesn't feel at all!

  2. Some girls can because of how the p***s gets harder and throbs when it is ejaculating. The walls of a girl's v****a, if tight enough responds to the pulsing sensation of the p***s and that's how they can tell a man is ejaculating.  

    As far as actually feeling the ejaculate? I really don't know.  Some say they can, others say they can't until they clean up afterwards.

    *edit* P.S.  fyi..."seaman" is a level of rank in the Navy.  s***n is the liquid containing sperm that leads to fertilization of a female egg.

  3. If it's a seaman like Popeye the Sailor, I'm sure you'd feel it.

    If it's s***n like sperm, you'd probably feel a little something, but nothing too overwhelming.

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