
Just out of curiosity....?

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To all the people from the USA. I always wondered, in your school curriculum, do you learn anything about Canada?

We had an entire section devoted to American history, learning the states, etc. I was just wondering if you had to do the same with Canada.


What's your favorite name for a dog? (besides your own dog lol)




  1. No. we had quick discussions on it but not a whole lesson.

    Duece for male

    Sable for female

  2. i havent learned much but like the flag and canadas animals and stuff

    you took away my dogs name from the list!

    now i have no ideas

  3. No, I don't believe I ever had to learn about Canada.

    Uh.. And I like the name Zephyr. It's so unique and sounds so pretty.

    Though I am curious why you choose to post this in the dogs section and not in a more appropriate section?  

  4. no, I don't remember learning about Canada sorry

    I like the name Peanut!  

  5. no... moose or altech

  6. I'm Canadian :P I never learned anything about the states, well, maybe because the course i took was Canadian History :P i wonder too... and my favorite name for a dog, well, depends on the dog, but i like Jasmine & Tucker :)

  7. what does that have to do with dogs

  8. We don't focus on Canada at all..

    All I know is that the French occupied one side while the British occupied the other. Also after the American Revolution a lot of British people escaped to Canada. What else? Oh ya, border disputes between French Canadians and US.

    That's about it. We usually focus on our own history or the history of Europe.

  9. I think all we learned about Canada was "they're the country north of us, and they have provinces instead of states".  I drew Baffin Island once, for a project...

    Um, favorite dog name, besides my one?  Not real sure...

    Male:  Kodiak

    Female:  Shiloh

  10. In our school curriculum our students do have a session on Canadian government.  

    My absolute favorite name for a dog was and always will be


    I had a naughty little dog that I ended up calling "dammit" because I felt like I was always saying "dammit get off, Dammit dont chew, dammit why did you eat the food on the table? Dammit come etc, so i just called him dammit for the rest of his life!

    female= Tequila Rose

    male= Captain Morgan

    male= Harley  

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