
Just out of curiosity -- what second languages do most Kiwis learn in school?

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Just out of curiosity -- what second languages do most Kiwis learn in school?




  1. Maori, i was forced to learn it in school

  2. french or japanese but most kids drop japanese by yr 13 cuz it gets too hard. i have the gayest french teacher ever and he has ruined thye french language 4 me. however, if italian was offered at my skool i would deffinatly take it

  3. It isn't the norm now to learn a second language, it is an option and depends on what each individual school has to offer.

    I don't know anyone who has learned Spanish.

    The most popular ones would be Maori and Japanese where I live.

    I learned French and Latin, but then it was compulsory for the classes I was in.

  4. French, German, Japanese are the main ones - although alot more on offer.

    Some schools offer to do student exchange for a few months in the country you are learning the language.

  5. I thought a kiwi was a fruit -.-

  6. When I was at high school we had to learn French and I also learnt Japanese for a year.  I also remember learning basic Maori at primary school - colours and numbers etc.

  7. Surprisingly, it appears to be Spanish as a main one:

    They also can learn French, German, Japanese and Maori.

  8. At my school the two other languages offered are French and Japanese.

  9. At primary school we were taught some basic maori. When I was at college we had to learn French, and Latin was taught to the classes in the lower streams for some reason.

    Japanese, German, and Chinese (don't remember whether it's Cantonese or Mandarin) are the most popular foreign languages being learnt from the people I've come across. There are also a lot of maori people learning their language at school level.

  10. Its slowly happening throughout NZ schools,  where it should be completed sometime this year.  It should be apart of the future here, as it was our past :)

  11. I take latin and german at CGHS and im 1st in class for german!!!yay!

    theres is also Spanish and French (real popular), maori, mandarin chinese, japanese

  12. At my school there is Maori, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian and Greek

  13. Maori is compulsory in quite a few primary schools but not many students continue learning the language.

    The most popular language at my school is probably French and Japanese but Spanish is becoming more and more popular.

  14. well in my school (tgc) u can learn French, German, Japanese, Te Reo (Maori) and also English support in year 9,10,11,12,13 (english support stops at yr 12 i think!)

    then you can start learning spanish from year 11 onwards.

    btw for the idiot who thinks kiwi is a fruit thats kiwifruit, a kiwi on of NZ's native birds. and 'Kiwi' is another name for NZers.

  15. The major one is Maori (being the other official language in NZ).  

    Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German & French tend to be the other languages on offer.  

    Unfortunately learning a second language is not really promoted much, perhaps because our closest neighbor speaks English and there's no immediate benefit for learning another language.

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