
Just out of pure curiousity?

by Guest59838  |  earlier

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A little informal survey. This shouldn't take more than a few minutes.



Party Affiliation (if old enough to be registered to vote; otherwise, the party you plan to join when you are old enough to vote):

A brief synopsis of your political views:

Issues that you disagree with your party on, if any:

Whom you plan to vote for in 2008 (or whom you would vote for if old enough):

Whom you wished you could vote for in 2008 (i.e., someone who was runnning and dropped out, or someone who chose not to run):

Have you ever voted outside your party? If so, who for, and why?:

Religious views:

Level of education:

Political issue you are most passionate about and why:

Any media sources that you recieve news from reguarly (television programs, newspapers, magazines, radio programs, etc.):

Would you say that you are usually in tune with political issues, or only pay attention when there is an election going on? Please be honest:

And finally, how would you describe America's government? (not in terms of "good" or "bad" or other such adjectives, but rather, what form of government do you believe America is running? e.g. Democracy, Police State, etc.):

Thank you for your time.




  1. 42

    California, USA


    I believe in the Bill of Rights--I believe that true personal freedom is born out of true personal responsibility.

    I plan to vote with the Democrats this year, and I wish they'd quit trying to tap the strategic petroleum reserve.

    I wish Wes Clark would run (or have been nominated for VP)

    I have voted for some Democrats, some Greens, and  Peace and Freedom candidate

    I am Gnostic Christian


    The recent upward redistribution of wealth, which includes the war in Iraq

    McClatchy newspapers, and a diversity of news and opinion reporting online

    Usually in tune (my colleagues say too much so)

    Basically a corporatist oligarchy with some democratic mechanisms left.

  2. hahahaha i luv the end "Thank you for your time." more like wasting my time

  3. 55 year old from the deep south. Leaning towards Obama. I like McCain and admire him too. I am watching the dem convention with an open mind and also intend to watch the republican convention. I can vote for who I want to. That is what makes America great. Either candidate would make an excellent choice for president.

  4. 1) Old

    2) USA

    3) Registered democrat, Usually listed in with other or illegible, I do a lot of write ins.

    4) Too numerous to mention, most notably I'm pro death penalty, and very pro send in the Marines as long we send enough in the right place.

    5) I'm actually leaning towards writing Me or Jack Bauer in this year, I'd like to see Obama win, but he's going to carry this state anyway.

    6) If Jack Baur were real he'd get my vote in a heartbeat, Unless Commander Riiker ran against him.  Jean-Luc Piccard is French and not constitionally ellegible.

    7) I voted for John Anderson because he was the best man, Will Riiker, Boris Yeltsin because this state was a foregone conclusion, Ross Perot because I thought he had a chance, and Howard Phillips because I never heard of the guy before and because this state was a foregone conclusion.

    8) I'm a conservative Jew

    9) Between my half year of coolege and continuing ed credits, plus what I picked up off the net, I think there's a Ph.D in history in there someplace, but i'm not going to bother going back, with the internet nowadays you don't need to know anything yourself, you already know somebody who does.  

    10) The deficit definitely.  We put the the Soviet Union out of business financially, and it could be very easily be done to us. all the world has to do is stop buying our debt.

    11), Yahoo news and local news, here at home, CNN, Cspan, and broadcast news if I'm stuck in the hospital.

    12) I try to be, and when you consider that house seats are up for election every two years, and in this state we run state wide elections in even numbered years when there is no presidential election, there is always an election going on in this place.

    13) It needs to be fixed.  Even the guys that wrote the constitution said it needed to be overhauled every 20 years, were like 200 years overdue on preventive maintenance.

    14) Impersonal bureauacracy.

  5. Age: 19

    Location: U.S.

    Party Affiliation: Republican (proud)

    I dont disagree with any of our policies really, maybe less religious aspects

    I plan to vote Ron Paul or Mccain, undecided just yet

    No ive never voted outside my party

    Religious views: Islamic

    Level of Education: College

    Most passionate about Abortion because i believe its murder

    Media sources: Lots, Associated Press, CSPAN, etc

    Yes im usually in tune with whats going on in our party

    I love America's Government (Republic), i believe we've gone out of our borders a bit but overall we're a fantastic bunch of people

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