
Just popped a pimple with a needle how long does redness last?

by  |  earlier

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my pimple on my nose was big and swollen so i just gently got a small opening on my pimple and squeezed the bacteria out and wiped it with alchol swab afterwards. now the swollen has gone down since bacteria is gone and now its red as h**l! how long does redness last for??




  1. Probably a week before it's unnoticable.

  2. Usually at least 5 days.  The scarring could last longer and may take several weeks to heal.

  3. a few hours or days. put some ice on it so the swelling goes down!

  4. Scar alert scar alert.

  5. A week or two.

    But I had a simple advice. Never eat any food with peanut or cashew nut or any other nuts except for coconut he he he.

    Drink a lot of water.

    Never use astringents.

    Never let the dermatologist to burn or give any medications to your pimple.

    These are some effective ways on how to deal with pimples.

    Pimples are normal but can be controlled naturally.

    Take it from me dud.

  6. 3-14 days...and you'll probably have a scar, please dont pop them! If you get pimples, your doctor can prescribe something for it (if its serious)


  7. For the record,

    that's horrible for your skin and acne.

    Just letting you know.

    Since it's said and done,

    I might put ice on it and that'll help.


    learn a lesson and let your acne be.

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