
Just re-thinking my future childrens names...

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here are just a few of my favorites...


Kenley Jean

Bella Lucille

Kendall Lillith

Jeana (Gina) Rylee


Jude Matthew

Keegan Joseph

Emmett Peyton

Tristan Raine




  1. My favorites of your list are Kendall Lillith and Keegan Joseph. Nice names.

  2. Keegan and Bella are both super cute. Not a big fan of the others.

  3. I like Gina Rylee and Tristan Raine.

  4. I like Gina and Tristan and Jude

    I dont like Jeana for this reason.

    If you have to write how to say it.. thats bad.

    Trust me.  I know.

  5. These are the good ones :)

    Bella Rylee

    Jude Matthew

    Keegan Joseph


  6. There all alright...but not great, Jude Mathew & Bella 'Leticia' are my faves. NOT Lucille...too many L's in one l-uci-ll-e.

  7. I actually like the combination of Bella and Lillith. But that's just me.

    For boys, Tristan Raine is really pretty but masculine at the same time.

  8. Those are cute.

  9. I like all of your choices. if i had to pick one girl and one boy favorite, i guess it would be

    Kenley Jean

    Jude Matthew

  10. Those are good names, but I'd replace the Lucille in Bella Lucille with something else, maybe something a little less likely to be called an "old lady" name. No offense meant, by the way. XD

  11. I like  Matthew. The rest are a thumbs down for me.

  12. I love Jude Matthew! Bella Lucille is gorgeous too. I like Lillith, Jean, Joseph, and Emmett as well.  

  13. I like Bella Lucille and Lilith is a pretty name.  However I think you should know that Lilith means"dark one" because she was the first wife of Adam and disobeyed God and became a demon.  But i love the name.

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