
Just read an old diary"dec 21 06-14, Blair in middle east, 90% of wind turbines shut down,how green is that?

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Q? wind or bio my vehicle runs on Biofuel




  1. Wind turbines are a total waste of time, they seldom generate more than a few watts of electricity.  We had wind turbines on many of our major buildings here in London during and immediately after the war.  We all know why they disappeared - not because electricity was cheap, but because they were simply a waste of time.

    Controlled water power is the answer and all along the banks of the River Thames right into the 1830s there were tide mills.  These operated on the 8-knot incoming and outgoing River Thames tide.

    Tide mill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Possibly the earliest tide mill was located in London at the Thames, dating back to Roman times. [1] The earliest excavated tide mill, dating from 787, ...

    I do not understand why we do not have tide mills along the Thames today.  I'm not saying they will produce all of London's power supply, that's silly, but they would certainly reduce London's dependancy upon high cost fuels which are at present used to generate electricity.

    Tide mills of England and Wales

    HARNESSING OCEAN TIDES; Dream of Centuries About to Be Realized in ... Enter the Modern Turbine. ing writer in a London technical jour-' nal. The transition o! the--old tide mill into,. an electric power plant is only about to ... - Cached

    Report doubts future of wind power | World news | The Guardian - Wind farms are an expensive and inefficient way of generating sustainable energy, according to a study from Germany, the world's leading producer of wind ...


    Tesla Motors

    Larry W. Sonsini joins Tesla Motors Board of Directors. read the press release ... Tesla Motors begins regular production of 2008 Tesla Roadster. read the ... - Cached

    Tesla Motors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Tesla Motors, Inc. is a Silicon Valley automobile startup company focusing on the production of high performance, consumer-oriented electric vehicles. ... - Cached

    Tesla Roadster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Tesla Motors had planned to sell the battery system to TH! .... ""Tesla Motors Hosts World Debut Of Tesla Roadster Offering Performance, Style & Efficiency ... - Cached

    YouTube - The unveiling of the Tesla Motors Electric Car

    The unveiling of the tesla motors electric sports car. Welcome to - Cached

    Tesla Motors: Affordable Electric Cars are Coming : TreeHugger In a post on Tesla Motors' blog, Elon Musk, the chairman of the company, writes: 'Almost any new technology initially has high unit cost before it can be ... - Cached

    First batch of Tesla Motors electric cars sold out - Engadget

    It wasn't too long ago that Tesla Motors had its (admittedly glamorous) unveiling of the forthcoming Tesla Roadster -- you know, the 130-miles per hour ...

  2. Bio-Fuels potentially release just as much CO2 as fossil fuels, they are just from a renewable source.

    ultimately we will have to move to completely none polluting energy sources (wind is one of these)

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