
Just really anything question?? help!?

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Ok so do you have any beauty tips that help them alot...

things that you have struggled with (looks wise) and you have

found something that gets rid of it....

just general tips?






  1. you know how girls wear their "really nice" outfits on special occasions? well don't wear the same one twice, people notice and make fun of you behind your back.

  2. if my hair gets greasy and I don't have time to wash it, ill put some baby powder in it. and i drink a lot of water, it helps so much to not breakout.


  3. take showers on a regular basis.

  4. use an eylash curler they work wnders and they are cheap

  5. After you have washed out your shampoo in the shower and are about to put your conditioner in  first get a teaspoon of vinegr in a cup of warm water and por it over your head

    This is what i do to make my hair shiny, It's so good :)

    Oh and when you put the conditioner in your hair dont put it on the top of your hair just put it on the ends like the bit you would put in your pony tail

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