
Just recently i have become a vegetarian but I haven't told my meat loving family what do I do?

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Just recently i have become a vegetarian but I haven't told my meat loving family what do I do?




  1. Just tell them but be prepared to make your own meals if they don't want to become vegetarians also.Its unfair to them to conform to your decision and is difficult to make changes if they don't want to.......GOOD LUCK!

  2. You dont have to do anything it isnt a bad thing being vegetarian. They wont disown you or think your bad.

    Be happy proud of being vegetarian and if you cant hack it and move back to meat be happy and proud of that.

  3. ive been a vgitarian for years, tell them to get you quorn which is a meat suppliment that is far better for you!

  4. don't tell them anything-- my cousins became vegetarians and it lasted about 3 weeks.

  5. tell them how and why you do not like meat and tell them how they are eating poor little animals

  6. i think you should tell them

  7. Don't be afraid it'll be a big deal.  I've found that if a person expects persecution, others will be more likely to persecute them.  Just tell them.

  8. Be honest and tell them.  I had to do the same thing.  Now when I go to have dinner at my family's house, I bring my own tofu to eat.  They thought I was kind of strange at first, because they just don't "get" the vegetarian thing, but they are ok with it now.

  9. It shouldn't be a big deal if you are going to make your own meals and you make sure to stay healthy. But you shouldn't expect someone else to prepare special meals for you.

  10. Eat meat its

  11. Prepare to be very hungry at family meals.

  12. Explain them the reason why you chose to be one. I'm pretty sure that they would understand.

  13. Just tell them you have decided to go with no meat and be a vegetarian Its your life style you can eat what you want.

  14. Disown them .Its the only way youll ever be happy .

  15. It's not that big of a deal, really, just tell them, hey I decided to become a vegetarian

  16. i'm sure they'll find out sooner or later

  17. What is the big deal about telling your parents? If you can't handle being made fun of because there is no reason for you to be vegetarian, then get over it. It's not like you are telling them that is a life altering event.

    Quit being so dramatic.

  18. Just tell them it's a personal decision, make sure they know it's not an attack on their lifestyle and that if they respect your wishes you will respect theirs.

  19. Telling parents that you are going to become vegetarian or have become vegetarian is a lot easier than telling them that you are g*y, or have cancer, .or are marrying a Martian Biped with a  PhD, or have become involved with a polygamous cult. Seriously, it is a simple thing. And you know all the right things to say without upsetting anyone. Express your appreciation to them for all their loving support and training you to be an independent thinker. Then if they want to know why or they express any concerns then dispassionately tell them what your reasons are.

    You can also get a copy of Skinny B-tch or Diet for a New America or any of the many others and leave it in the bathroom. But talk straight. Allay their fears for you and your health and let them know that you do not expect them to follow suite.

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