
Just recently started masturbating, and yesterday after doing it about 6 times my pnis became swollen.

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I understand how this could happen though. just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, (probably) and how long I should wait to start again, and if I could possibly start now?




  1. it is common, dont worry, but dont be so anxious towards masturbating, wait for 4 hours more and then you can start, but a max you can do 4 times a day, as it will affect you psychologically so take care

  2. So you finally discovered that there's more uses for that thing than just taking a pee?

    After sharing this much information I feel like we're pals so let me give you a little advice.  Use a lubricant.  Even spit works in a squeeze.

  3. You masturbated too much and made your p***s sore. wait like 30 minutes or 1 hour, until you start again, don't do it straight after each time you ejaculate, because it becomes swollen like you said. if you are pacing your self in time intervals, then try masturbating 2-3 times a day instead. 6 times a day is a bit obsessive, and causes sores.

    Also: you maybe masturbating too hard, try not to be too rough, lol.

  4. Do you m********e 6 times a day ? That may be abit much on the skin and can cause it to be swollen abit. I have had blisters from it that go away so just give it a rest and start again perhaps in the next few days when the swelling goes down. Bets of luck.

  5. You are wearing the poor thing out. Give yourself a rest and use some lube. Try KY liquid next time.

  6. lmao dude how old r u wat u mean u jus started

    n dude 6 times is rediculous

    doin it once a day is rediculous

    i understand u get hard but dude dats way 2 much

  7. You have found that masturbation is really great.  You did it a little to much and you where to hard on the p***s.  You need to  ease up a little on the technique and just move the skin up and down.  If you go for more friction and thrust into your hand you need to increase the amount of lubricant you are using.  Do not use soap!   Use hand lotions, or body lotions.  Right now with your p***s swollen a little what I recommend is to get some hand lotion or body lotion.  Put a glob on your hand and just rub onto your p***s.  It will help the rash a little and will feel good.  Ease up on the masturbation and start up again tomorrow.  Until the swelling goes down just do it 2 or 3 times.  The rest of times when you get hard just ignore it and it will go soft after a little while.  Keep it up.  IT is good for you, it is good for your p***s, it will help you develope sexually, it helps you control your sexual urges, it feels really great, and it is the safest s*x you can find.  Any questions just ask.

  8. I don't think you should going at it every minute or so, it needs time to rest or you can maybe damage it.

    I would say wait about a day or so. Hope this helps

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