
Just saw Laura Bush on CNN stating Sarah Palin qualifications-ABSURD!?

by Guest60393  |  earlier

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Ok, Republicans time to take your head out of your "Booty."

There are reasons we have a VP in this Country, you guys just don't get it do you?

Laura Bush was defending McCain's VP choice. In her sweet little Southern accent she said "Well, she had "5" children and worked, and don't forget she was a Mayor of a Town with approximately "6,000" people".

I turned my head and said-WHAT the h**l is that woman talking about?

Hmm, What will Sarah do win she is face to face with Bin Laden? Punish him by making him "BABYSIT"??

Who do you think was taking care of these '5" children when Mommy was running around playing Politician?

Wow, pretty low expectations to be on a Republican ticket-just have babies. . .

Once again this is about VP choices not Mccain or Obama.




  1. I think McCain has insulted the intelligence of the American people by his choice.

  2. hi,

    This is from an Obama speech in mid-August:

    If we think that we can secure our country by just talking tough without acting tough and smart, then we will misunderstand this moment and miss its opportunities. If we think that we can use the same partisan playbook where we just challenge our opponent's patriotism to win an election, then the American people will lose. The times are too serious for this kind of politics.

    The guy sounds like he has Americas best interest at hand.  I feel it will be a close election.

    Learn more about Barack Obama and what he stands for.

  3. She had 4 children, and has 1 grandchild !  

  4. All she is saying we need more good breeders like her.....

  5. It's obvious you're an obama supporter. Fine, but if this is all you can see in Palin, you have a serious case of tunnel vision.

  6. As mayor of her little town, it COULD've become a crime infested, bankrupt hellhole with low performing schools and blight.

    As Governor, the same thing could've happened to her state, but it didn't.

    She may have been mayor of a little town, but she is governor of a state with a coastline longer than the rest of the United States combined.

    If Alaska were its own country, it would be ranked #19 in size, between Mongolia and Peru.

    Read up on the histories of places like Detroit and Haiti as proof that one leader can turn prosperity into poverty in less than a month.

  7. Glug, glug, glug...

    Do you get the feeling the Republican ship is going down?

    Not only is Palin unqualified but if that is the best support Laura can come up with then that ship is pretty much sunk already..

  8. Yup...they are chugging the Kool-Aid. Its so sad to see them defend such an airhead for VP.  

  9. I think she will make a great VP and a great president,, and only one poll shows Obama ahead,, all the rest show McCain/palin are,,, oh lol I love it.... oh yes.........:oD

  10. 'SHE IS RUNNING on being "Mommy" of the year!'

    Some mommy.  She throws her daughter under the bus, to take the heat off her campaign.  She should've just told McCain, No, I won't accept the nomination.  There's something going on right now in my family and I want to spare my daughter the spotlight right now.  

    Instead, she shifts the pressure of the national media asking about weird stories about 5 months of missed school due to mono, an improbable pregnancy at age 44, a staff that doesn't know you're pregnant after 7 months, and a mysterious plane flight in labor, onto the shoulders of her daughter, for the sake of her campaign.

    She also showed her motherly support by saying in the '06 gubernatorial debate she wouldn't support her daughter's getting an abortion if raped.

  11. "Who do you think was taking care of these '5" children when Mommy was running around playing Politician?  Oh, I get it. Since she is a mother, she should have stayed home and kept her mouth shut!

    Wow, pretty low expectations to be on a Democrat ticket-just be a sexist. Biden and Obama are Washington insiders, part of the 9% approval rating and screaming change! Change from what? Them?

  12. And yet, Palin is still more experienced than Odumber.  Kinda sticks in your liberal throat doesn't it?  LOL

  13. From what I've read, Sarah is an expert markswoman. She knows how to fire a gun. We can only hope bin Laden come face to face with her.

  14. As mayor of her little town, it COULD've become a crime infested, bankrupt hellhole with low performing schools and blight.

    As Governor, the same thing could've happened to her state, but it didn't.

    I guess this means that any mayor that does his or her job is qualified to be president. What a troll

  15. Mrs. Palin has accomplished more in her tenure as Governor, then Mr.Obama has as in two years as a state Senator. She has given her state a surplus of revenue, fought corruption, including within her own party. She even gave HERSELF a pay cut. Lets see if Mr. Obama is willing to take a pay cut. Lets see if all elected officials are willing to take a pay cut. Quite frankly my patience is beginning to be exhausted by the "Limousine Liberals " preaching to us about the "Evil rich" and glooooooooooobal warming. Have a nice day

  16. Not at All Mrs. Bush is supportting her party.

  17. Did you not read the rest of the resume???  She will shoot a moose at 50 paces, she'd strangle Putin if need be!  Don't you worry your little head!  Palin will be just fine in office.

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