
Just saw McCain's TV ad linking Obama with William Ayers. Who here feels like boycotting the Weather Channel?

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As a McCain supporter, I am OUTRAGED to learn that the Weather Channel has links to a terrorist group 30 years ago! Should we fellow intelligent republicans start a letter-writing campaign to the cable TV providers across America to pressure them to drop the America-hating Weather Channel from their line-up?

I may be a life-long republican, but I'm not supid.




  1. LMAO.

    That's great.  Did it mention Obama was 8 when the Weathermen were active?

  2. It doesn't take a Weatherman to tell which way the wind blows...

  3. I just watch the weather.

  4. Well, my first question is , what is Weather Channel? And second, who cares if they show a commercial showing Obama's crazy friends. Obama is tied with William Ayers. Does this mean Obama is a terrorist? I think yes.

  5. I don't get cable, so I'll boycott the Weather Channel by default

    But you Dems really need to get more creative when pretending to be Reps and asking dumb stuff like this.  I've seen better political trolls on sites about fantasy football, for crying out loud.  You're pushing too hard; try being more subtle about it next time so you don't blow your cover so easily.

  6. Why not . they are only right 35% of the time. The weather that is.

  7. I never watched the weather channel to being with.

  8. I am in awe.  Does this stuff really work on Americans?

  9. Huh?

    I love watching my weather on the 8's. I could never do that to the weather channel.

  10. Boycotting the Weather Channel, that implies you watched it before.  I thought the test pattern had more viewers

  11. Are you really confusing the Weather Channel with the Weather Underground?

    I'm going to stop reading this and turn to weather on the 8's. Stephanie Abrams and Jim Cantore seem safe enough to me.

  12. Its the Weather Underground you idiot!

    Where did you go to school? Clown College!!

  13. Obama had a fund raiser at Ayers house during the primaries.  Where do you get "years ago?"

    How do you feel about Obama explaining away his association with the man by saying that their kids went to school together and that is the extent of their relationship.  Keep in mind that Obama's kids arent teens yet and Ayers kids are grown adults.

    ADD:  Ha ha!   And republicans are stupid???????????

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