
Just something to ponder about...?

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I read this on CNN the other day and thought how creepy it was how much this kid looked like Jimmie Johnson..

Is it just me? or does this kid resemble him a lot?

Maybe a long lost son?

Probably just a coincidence.. but I thought I'd share it w/ yall




  1. HUH?

    This happened real close to where I work and no I do not think he looks like Jimmie Johnson at all, Eddie Munster maybee, but not Jimmie Johnson.

  2. No I actually don't think he looks anything like Jimmie Johnson. He looks creepy though, and he is, given what he did and (I agree with the judge) would do again.

  3. He DOES look like But he is too old to be Jimmie's son. Jimmie is only one year older than me.

    I live close to where this is taking place so it has been in the news a lot here and I thought the same thing when I seen him. I have watched him in court. He seems like a serial killer type, I am glad he was put away for life. The judge was so right that he would kill again. And I live near him. So glad that judge locked him up for life.

    He didn't kill a Nascar Sorenson, he did, however, kill a Sorenson.

  4. Oooo he does kinda remind me of him.  One difference Jimmie is a cutie & the kid looks evil.  

    I have followed this story I live in the area and this kid is a murdering monster with a black heart & soul.  Absoutley no remorse what so ever after killing and be-heading a 26 year old guy just for a thrill.  Life in prison is waaaaay to easy for this devil.

  5. I think he looks more like Howard Johnson.

  6. they do say everyone has a doppleganger

  7. He does look like Jimmie, and note to self, don't make that kid mad. I better stay on Jimmies good side too............... just in case!! LOL

  8. where's the picture

  9. Yes it does look like Jimmie. OH YA and the one kid(Daniel) in NOT related to Reed Sorenson. The kids last name in the article was spelled SORENSEN not Sorenson. Also he was 26 so IF he was Reed's brother he would be Reed's older brother not his younger brother!(Reed is only 22!)

  10. doesn't look like him

  11. yeah, he looks more like eddie munster than jimmie


  13. LOL, yes it does look like Jimmie

  14. HA HA!  Must be JJ's and Chads child......................................

    Just kidding, but the kid looks just like JJ.

  15. that is wild! and YES! they do look somewhat a-like

    that's hilarious

  16. I don't see the resemblance. However, I am a little on the slow side today. My mind is already in holiday mode.

  17. ok. i pondered it.


    wait, he killed a sorenson?

  18. Heh heh heh heh.......

    My Eeeeevil spawn has arisen.....

    My Eeeeevil plan is werking.........

    Heh heh heh heh.........

    Sorry, nope, don't think it looks like him.

    Maybeeeeee Jeff Gordon...

  19. No, I don't really think it looks like him. That kid sure doesn't look like a monster does he? Feel sorry for his parents.

  20. Can't say he does.

  21. I just dont see it.

  22. What kid are you talking about?

    I'd need to see a picture to tell you if he looks like Jimmie..

    *he looks a little like him, Jimmie would've been 15 when that kid was born*

  23. i need to see a pic

  24. P-I-C-T-U-R-E Please :)


    i knew it Jimmie Johnson is a killer

    wait he killed sorenson nooooooooo

    Daniel Sorenson is reed sorenson's father (not really) so now reed will be so sad in the next race he will start crying in the car then wreck then Matt will hit him and his car will be totaled noooooooo

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