
Just started golf a little while ago. Need tips on what to work on and how to get better.?

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About a month and a half ago i decided to give golf a try and my dad got me a pretty good set of clubs that were on sale. So far its a fun sport. Im not that good but i know i can get a lot better. I do soccer so i cant go out to the course or to the driving range frequently. Maybe one visit to the course or range a week. I drive about 175 which isnt that good. On good days i drive a little over 200. Recently i shot a 55 on nine holes. Is that good for a beginner? My dad says thats great for me, but hes my dad, what else is he gonna say?? Anyways I want to get better so i was wondering if anyone had good tips on lowering my score and improving my overall technique. Im not sure what i should really be working on in my early days of golf. what are the most important things to work on? my mechanics are pretty decent. not too great a putting. im pretty good around the green just not on it. please help. thanks.




  1. Work  on your short game. You can overcome a lot with a good short game. Plus you putt one or two times on every only drive about 10-12 times per round. Most people spend too much time getting a monster drive and then have nothing after it.

  2. Where to start?  Well just like you did in the beginnings of start with the basics.  Grip, stance, swing.......these are best learned from a a lesson or 2 would be in order...then after the you have noted....Short game....  anything from 120 yds into the green.  Just like soccer, Golf is a game that requires practice to get better at it.  The more you practice the better you get.

  3. I have played golf for 35 years.  I played in Jr. College and in College.

    This is a hard question to answer with so little information and without writing you a book.  First off, I would get a Pro. at your local course to give you some lessons and try and get your video camcorder on a tri-pod and record the lesson.  Then work on doing what you were taught.  Work on hitting the ball straight rather than how far it goes, that will come, or should come later.  You want to make sure you have a proper grip and there are basically 3 to choose from.  You want to make sure you work on keeping your swing on the same "plane".

    When you start your backswing, don't lift the club.  Bring it back low and practice bringing it inside and keeping it on the same plane swinging it outside as you start and finish forward.  Your swing should be similar to a circle.  If you have played baseball and you are right-handed, on your downswing, swing as if you were going to hit the ball over the second0-baseman’s head and follow through rotating your wrist with your right hand going over the top.  Now it gets different than baseball, in baseball your follow through stays on that horizontal plane and you finish “low” hitting yourself in the back.  In golf as you swing trying to hit over second-baseman’s head, now you finish high and chest toward target.  The middle of your swing or at the top of backswing, your club should be parallel with ground and pointing toward target.  Now you know why having this recorded so you can check is important.  Most important is to keeping your swing smooth and keep your lower body , waist and arms and your body weight all shifting at same time.  There are many ways of getting there, but the whole purpose is when you make contact for your club head to be square.  

    Something you can do before your lesson and of course afterwards as well, is to work on your short game.  Putting is different than the rest of golf in that although there is the normal grip.  The most important thing is that your grip feels comfortable and that it allows you to take your putter back and following through while keeping your face square.  Work on tempo.  Your distance, just like in your swing, should be a result in your backswing, not your follow through.  You do not want to ever (Driving, irons, putting etc...) want to decelerate.  That is don't take your normal backswing and try to slow down or shorten your follow through)

    Back to what I was saying, to help you right away and the most is in your swing work on rotating your body weight back and to front smoothly as your waist, arms etc...all doing the same and keep it smooth and head still and down and don't try to KILL it.

    Again, back to something now, work, work work on your short game.  That is your chipping and putting.  That is probably the most important thing there is in golf.  It gets better with hard work and you can do this in your yard and putting in your house.  You don't always have to have a ball in your yard, or if you have enough room you can get practice balls (plastic, etc..)  But just work on your short game, because most people most of the time can get the ball somewhere around the green in two shots (being a par 4 ).  Work on getting the ball on the green from there and down in one putt is what it’s all about.  That is called getting it up and down.  Work, work, work or practice, practice, practice.  

    It’s a great game, but let me end with saying the reason to get a lesson NOW.

    It is much much easier to learn the right things to do than it is to try and get rid of "old habits" and replacing them with the correct ones.

    Gotta run its 5:00     .... have fun and best of luck


  4. Keep it simple.....learn how far you hit each club.  How far it carries in the air, that is.  Sounds simplistic, but most people come up short of the green....I'd guess 95% of the time.

    Start there and have fun.

  5. Choosing the Proper Golf Club

    From the first swing until the last, choosing the right club will greatly improve your game.

    * How To Achieve the Perfect Grip

    Yes, it matters how you hold your club, and here’s what you need to know to do it right.

  6. Hi

    Below are some tips , hope it will helps


    Callaway. Set The biggest mistake beginners make is buying experience clubs. Do not waste your money on expensive clubs until you have reached a mid-level of play


    Golf Range. Don't go near a Golf Course, again until you have reached a basic level. You need to become close friends with the golf practice range. Become a “Range Rat”, these are people that spend most of their time at the range. Hone your skills, when you are consisted with your strokes, then hit the course.


    Golf Teacher. Get lessons from a qualified United States Golf Association (USGA) professional.


    Tiger Woods. (best golfer in the world) Watch the Pro's on the PGA or LPGA. These are some of the best golfers in the world.

    Watch how they swing their clubs, copy what you see, grove your swing to theirs. They are free to watch on TV, they are essentially your first teachers of the game.


    Practice. Get out at least 2 times a week for about an hour or so. Golf is not like riding a bike, you can’t just leave it for a while and come back and accept that you will play at the same skill level you had before you left it. YOU MUST PRACTICE!!!!!


    Removing Divots. Learn the rules of golf and the basic golf etiquette. There are many rules in golf and a strong knowledge of etiquette is necessary. You will pick most of the rules and etiquette by just asking your golf pro or a golf bu

    you may want to check out this proven simple golf tips to improve your golf skills

  7. Practice, practice and more practice.  Stay on the range, working on your game there and not on the course.  You will hit more balls on the range and can lay clubs on the ground, checking your alignment and many other things.

    Visit my site: for tips on how to improve your game.

    The more you work on your game on the range the better and faster you will become a better player.


  8. 55 is amazing for a begginer. but do you take stroke penalties? no mulligens either. you have to play fair to find your true score.

    - good luck its a great sport

  9. You sound like your doing really well as a beginner.  I've been playing golf my whole life, and have played with a bunch of players in different tournaments.  With a 55 on nine holes, you would've beaten a good portion of them.  As for tips and stuff to work on, here is some stuff:

    For driving, if you don't want to spend money, just go outside, and work on your driving swing mechanics.  If you want to spend money, I recommend the Medicus Driver.

    For iron work, same thing.

    For pitching and chipping, just go find a good size of open land, and just lay out some small targets and chip at them.

    For putting, in your house, you can but a glass, or cup out, and put into it (if you have it laying on its side) or at it (if you have it standing upright).

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