
Just started jumping...?

by Guest67044  |  earlier

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i just started jumping crossrails this week but i have a problem where when i land i bounce back almost behind the saddle.

i managed to do it once where i landed perfectly cuz i put my heals down a straightened my upper body a little bit, but i need advice from jumpers!!!!




  1. You need to go back to your flat work and create a stronger leg. Can you w/t/c without stirrups? If not you really need to work on that before going at any jump no matter the height.

    If you can do the above correctly (correctness is key) then keep doing it. Practice holding the (correct) two-point position for long periods of time as well. (10-15 minutes). It will train your muscles and create solid base from your jump.

    Some people might say it is because your new to jumping but you seriously need to create a strong base from the start or it will come back to get you. Good Luck!

  2. Remember to keep your heels down! I have trouble with that part myself. Also remember what your body felt like when you came down correctly and keep repeating it. You just started, so it will take some time. That's what my trainer tells me anyway. If you don't have a trainer, get one.

  3. at first jummping can be difficult make sure you are in 2 point while you jump KEEP YOUR HEELS DOWN it is very important

  4. Go back to flat work and ride with out stirrups a lot. Practice your jumping or two-point position on the flat and over ground rails. Makes sure you keep your heels down. Also make sure you have stronge legs and a good postion befor you try jumping.

    Good luck and have fun

  5. After a while you get the hang of it. for the first few jumps it will seem uncomfortable.

    When i started jumping i had the same problem, just remember to keep your heels down and straighten your back out.

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