
Just started running and I each time I think I might die?

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I'm a 26 year old male and my doctor recently told me I had high blood pressure. I am not overweight but the doctor told me to run for at least 20 min. 3 times a week. I have been running for 20 days now and I have not really noticed any results with the way I feel. When I first started I ran .60 mile in 10 min...I know that's horrible. Then I ran .80 in 14 min. Yesterday I made it 1.50 miles in 23 min. I hit the mile marker at 14 min which is a major improvement for me. So I have a few questions. What is the average time for running a mile? When will I feel better? I seriously feel like I'm going to die each time I run, and I thought I would notice a difference by now. Sometimes I can't see because there is so much sweat running down my face, it's hilarious, and I also can't breathe at all...God I'm outta shape! Help!




  1. Warm up with some sit-ups (crunches)  and some light hand-weight exercises, and then stretch but don't over-stretch.  

    Get a watch and run 15 minutes out and 15 minutes back.  Don't make it a race.  It's a training jog intended to improve your heath.  Make it an enjoyable chance to be outside.  

    You will get to the point where the run will be as easy as putting bread in a toaster.  One day early in my training I just felt exceptionally good.  I thought I could run forever.  I just kept going and going and in the end I had run more than 13 miles.  

    Keep up the good work and check in with the doctor on a regular basis.  Keep your shoes fresh, meaning buy a new pair on a frequent basis.

  2. I would simply suggest calling your doctor and telling him what you told us.

  3. Yup you're outta shape my friend, and you're working too hard.  Losing some weight will help with making this easier, frankly; by easing stress on your (underused) joint and tendons.  Also, if you cut-down/give up the cig's - you're going to gain weight, if you're not prepared.    You don't need to "run" the full 20 minutes, try running for up to 5 minutes, then 10 minutes walking, then finish with some more running.  Do NOT time yourself by distance, e.g. 7-8min/mile; you can do that after a few months.

    Also consider getting a heart-rate monitor: they're relatively cheap and it will tell you EXACTLY how well your heart's doing.  Your doc should have told you this but if he didn't this is the formula: 220-age.  

    In your case:

    220-26 = 194.  You should aim for a target zone of 70-80%, but for you maybe 60-70%'s better:  116 - 136.  You are training if your heart rate is in this zone for 20-30 minutes.  Doesn't matter if you run 15miles or walk 2.  

    AFA Diet, eat what you want.  AFA Beer switch to light beer: Amstel, Heineken and Becks lights are all good lagers and have about 80 calories/glass-that's less than a Coke.  If you like dark beer, Guinness Draft (NOT Stout) has about 150 calories a bottle-again less than a Coke, with as good if not better health benefits than wine.

  4. First off, I think most of the reason you are out of shape in because of your diet.  Go to organic and nutritional foods.  Also, you myst realize that you have man progress.  Before, you couldn't even run a mile in 14 minutes and now you can! Good job! Although it may seem you are not improving, you really are, it will just take a while.  The average time for running a mile in different for everybody.  For me, I used to run a mile in 10 minutes and now I can do it in the mid 7's.  So just keep working.  It'll pay off and you will feel better soon. Just make sure you keep excercizing and watching your diet.

  5. Congratulations on starting to run!

    Don't get too concerned about how fast you are running at first.  Otherwise, you may start comparing yourself to people that have been running for a long time and you may become discouraged.

    When you first start running concentrate on time, so just run for 20 minutes but don't be concerned as far as how far or fast you went, and then gradually increase your time each week (don't increase it each workout).  Then eventually start running one mile and so on.  Then you can start tracking your time and distance.

    Always be sure to have a day of rest in between so your body can heal.  Most beginners try to overdue it and then have injuries because it does take time for your body to adjust to the punishment of running.

    Here is a good website with different training programs.  There are many more websites with training guides.  Just type in running training programs beginner in google.

    If the link doesn't work go to and running & training then Running for beginners.

    Also always be sure to stretch very good before each run and even after it.  You can type in stretching exercises for running in google to get some good stretchs.  I would even suggest stretching on days you don't run to keep your body flexible and less prone to injury.

    Be sure to get a good pair of running shoes too.  You can check out the source below about shoes and their are a lot of other great sources like etc.

  6. lol..ur just plain unfit..i felt th same when i took up a short stint of jogging..i also am not overweight but i do hav high blood pressure ( pretty sure i inherited it :( lol)..i think ur doc was a tad over zealous when he told u to run 4 20 mins..try alternating jogging n fast walking..n gradually increase ur speed/ distance over a no of weeks a way u should notice more of an improvement in ur overall fitness leve;

  7. Lose the smokes.  Keep drinking the beer, in moderation.

  8. You may be going at it too hard in the beginning.  But now that you're this far into it, don't stop - it's WAY better to deal with hypertension via exercise and weight loss than it is to go on BP drugs.  

    I know that "dying" feeling; it is just that you are or were seriously out of shape.  Back off a little on pushing yourself if it continues or if you are concerned, get a treadmill test.   In fact, depending on what you mean by "can't breathe at all", maybe you SHOULD get a treadmill test - it disturbs other runners to see dead bodies along the path! ;-)

    Good luck and don't give up - soon you'll likely notice that you are more relaxed, with a greater sense of well-being after exericising.

    (oh, tobacco, eh?   do you know that tobacco, besides the obvious carcinogenicity, also has chemicals that "tan" the membranes of your lungs?   Just like the leather tanning (i.e. hardening) process.    Beer is okay, unless you're drinking so much that you're pickling your liver.   Red wine might be better if you don't overdo it.)

  9. average running a mile is 8-10 mins. max your def have some major weight issues bro have u ever thought about lapband surgery?

  10. you sound like you're just not used to any exercise at all. why not try walking [fast]? it's been proven that walking gives better and faster results. and it'll definitely be easier for you.

  11. I honestly believe running is bad for you. It is horrible for your joints. I walk a lot and feel as though I get the same benefits from walking as people who run do only my knees and ankles don't hurt after the fact like they do when I run. When I run I feel like my heart is going to pop out of my chest and I can't seem to breathe fast enough...I hate is horrible.

    You could also try swimming which is a great workout and much easier on your joints.

  12. Although I served in the Marine Corps I never ran again until I was in my mid 30's. You actually have to sweat for 20 minutes and on a cool day sometimes you don't even start to sweat until you are running for 10 minutes. I lived about 1/2 mile from a park and at first I would run back and forth to the park, but the exhaust from the traffic made it too difficult to breath so I started driving to the park and then running for a 1/2 hour. After 3 months, I entered my first 5K run and averaged about an 8 1/2 minute mile. A headband will help keep the sweat out of your eyes, bring an extra in your pocket if 1 is not enough.

    Keep it up and good luck to you.

    Edit: You've got to give up those cigarettes dude.

  13. Unless your going for the olympics try walking .  

  14. I'm 13 and i run it in about 6 minutes. I think 14 minutes for 1.5 of a mile is pretty average for not an athlete. Some kids in my school run a mile in 14 minutes. I think you should keep it up you are improving. But if you want to get in shape do a sport like soccer, football. Or you can go to the gym work out and run too. Seriously though results take some time to achieve. For example if you work out yes you will get stronger each week but you wont see visual results until 3 months. So keep it up and never give up even if you think you suck and think you cant do it just push it it will pay off hugely and get you into shape. Also, the part that your out of breath is normal everyone gets it, don't worry, seriously ive been doing soccer for 6 years and every time our coach tells us to run and after we run we feel like we are going to die. All of these reactions are normal but you just got to push it through "I cant do it" and just run. We all get this since running is very hard. Hope i helped.

  15. Power walking is just as beneficial and less stress on your joints as running.  I power walk a mile at a 3% grade in about 17 minutes, I walk 3 miles a day.  I started 6 months ago with very high blood pressure and very over weight.  I have lost 50 pounds and my blood pressure is now a healthy 126/78.  You need to monitor your heart rate while exercising and your blood pressure if possible.  I actually bought a tread mill that does all of that.  It was all about getting healthy and it is working.  But I still don't think I could run.

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