I'm a 26 year old male and my doctor recently told me I had high blood pressure. I am not overweight but the doctor told me to run for at least 20 min. 3 times a week. I have been running for 20 days now and I have not really noticed any results with the way I feel. When I first started I ran .60 mile in 10 min...I know that's horrible. Then I ran .80 in 14 min. Yesterday I made it 1.50 miles in 23 min. I hit the mile marker at 14 min which is a major improvement for me. So I have a few questions. What is the average time for running a mile? When will I feel better? I seriously feel like I'm going to die each time I run, and I thought I would notice a difference by now. Sometimes I can't see because there is so much sweat running down my face, it's hilarious, and I also can't breathe at all...God I'm outta shape! Help!