
Just starting to chart bbt but I get up a lot and don't wake at the same time..

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This morning at 6 am I temped at 96.3 (and I had a fan blowing on me) then I got up to pee (which I do a lot) and went back to sleep then woke up at 10:20 and temped at 97.7. Which temp should I use? Should I set my alarm for the same time everyday?




  1. You should use your 1st morning temp. I would try and set your clock to the same time everyday. I know that sometimes it is hard to do, but as long as you haven't gotten up in the past 3 hours the first morning temp is going to be the most useful. Good luck.

  2. Setting your alarm is the best way to guarantee BBTs. After a few months, you might not need it anymore because you'll have a better idea of what throws your temps off or not. Be sure to use a free online system like because their computer will process the data for you and also they can adjust your temps if, for some reason, they're strange from waking time etc.  

  3. Use your first temp.  Preferably take at the same time every day and after at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I take mine at 3:30 a.m. before I even move.  I keep it next to the bed.

  4. I never get up at the same time either, but I set my alarm so that I take my temp at the same time each day.  Fertility friend is a good charting website and it can normally tell if you've ovulated, even with temp fluctuations.  I wouldn't worry about the whole getting up to pee thing because you do it every night, so it would show in all of your temps.  Good luck to you!

  5. I find that the fan blowing on me really messes up my BBT.  It makes it jump around a lot.  I would try to do it by setting your alarm but if your just getting up to pee i would ignore that one and go with the one that is when you actually get up.  I always get up during the night and I only use the temp when I actually get up.  I tried doing it the other way (with the first temp) but it was to hard because I always got up at different times in the night.

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