
Just taken me 2 1/2 hours to get home by London Transport; what chance they'll sort it by the 2012 Olympics?

by  |  earlier

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I truly despair about London Transport. Truth be told, I hate them with a passion!




  1. Where do you live that takes 2.5hours to get home by LT?

    You must surely be outside London!  C'mon. . . . !

  2. yeah?

    but you are still using the system though!

    why don't you cycle then

  3. Ouchy , No i dont think they will change they'res nothing they want or will do because we have a LOUSY goverment :)

    You cant even go into a shop without another language being spoke these days , But no i dont think so, Everything will just get worse for britan under this goverment !!!!

  4. Nil

    It'll take 20 1/2 (2012) hours to get home by then!

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