
Just think cons this could be your next president. Are you filled with confidence?

by  |  earlier

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  1. at least she knows how to hold it - Obama moma would be asking for help.

  2. LOL omg. You have to be kidding me.  

  3. Nice photoshop.  She still is hot for 44.  Makes Michelle look like a giraffe with horse teeth.

  4. Yeeeh dawgy she's a looker.

  5. photoshop much?

  6. So what's the point.  Barry Obama has some fine photos out there too.  

  7. Im no expert but that looks photo shopped

  8. Remember that most are not trying to choose what is best for the country.  The ones that are not deceived are simply paranoid that a Democrat is trying to get into their pocketbooks.  They use values as a front to make their following larger, but really they are a small elite that makes billions by hoarding the wealth that the whole country generates, and by keeping other people down.  Therefore, as long as she is not threatening the status quo that helps to maintain their power they don't care.    

  9. yep very confident

  10. Patriotic, believes in the second amendment, intelligent, looks great for a woman who's had 5 kids. I would trust her judgment before Obama. Obama can't even give up smoking and this gal has the mental fortitude and physical ability to look like this after 5 kids.

  11. 1. fake pic.

    2. fake pic.

    3. my confidence is based on her abilities not her looks.  And for both i have none for her or McCain.

  12. She is real trailer trash ain't she? What a s***k. She needs to douche. Here comes the thumbs down, or the violation...............BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... it on!

  13. Yes !!!

    Democrats for McCain !!!

  14. Nice looking piece...whos the Betty that's holding it?

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