
Just to get people thinking?

by  |  earlier

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Think about this if everyone was to get a hybrid car would gas prices go down... if everyone in the world had one and they only had to fill up their tank say once a month would the high prices of gas go down? because if you think of it everything is based on supply and demand so if you reduced your time at the gas pump and bought a car were you could fuel up less then the demand of gas would go down and eventually prices would go down... i believe everyone should stop buying these gas guzzler cars such as SUVs, and trucks we should get these types of cars off the road of force then to make then hybrids....

would this be possible, does anyone else think this would work?




  1. Reducing the "demand" for gasoline would hardly lower the prices. They'd just raise the prices to compensate. Plus, hybrid drivers will just drive more do to their sligtly better gas milage.

    The truth is that hybrids cars are still an unproven technology - they just haven't been around long enough for us to know if they're reliable. Plus the production of them is horrible for the environment. Yup, that's right.

    Biodiesel is a proven reliable source of non-petroleum fuel - THAT'S what we should be driving.

  2. Yes, you got the "supply and demand" part of economics.  However, I don't believe it would take everyone buying a hybrid to bring the prices down and you cannot force people to do so.

  3. s***w the Hybrid...Get a diesel!

    then make your own fuel!

    I am building a "Cabinscooter" and a Diesel one at that Do  you know what a Cabinscooter is?

    here, take a look...

  4. Unfortunately, you're looking at a large problem from a small scope.  Gasoline, as we all know, is derived from crude oil.  It is only one of thousands of products that rely on crude oil, though.  Refineries don't just produce gasoline, they produce hundreds of feedstocks for other items, like plastics, chemicals such as heptane, xylene, toluene and styrene, all important industrial chemicals, pharmacuetical products and health and beauty products like lotions and conditioners.

    Demand for all these products would have to ease to see any significant drop in gasoline prices.  With the population of the world increasing and more people driving every day, it's unlikely you'll ever see a drop in demand for petroleum derived products.

    You're also wanting to get trucks and large vehicles off the road.  Unless you can come up with a more efficient distribution network for getting goods to market, you're going to need big trucks.  Transporting goods by rail is slow and still involves trucking from the terminal to the distribution point.  There are many factors that go into how and why we've arrived at the system we currently have.  It's working better than all the alternative possibilities.

  5. its a good idea and it might work ,but the problem would be everyone wouldn't get rid of the big gas guzzlers,for this idea to work every one would have to go along with it,and they wouldn't,their would always be an opposing group that would keep their big gas guzzlers,this would be up the car makers a lot,if they would start making vehicles smaller that would help,you got a good idea,but less than half the people would go along with it,even if it would save them money,they would still not agree with it,for now we pay the price and smile ,that's all we can do,have a good new years.

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