
Just to let you all know????

by  |  earlier

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my pc wont be working for 6 months if this goes wrong!!!!! hawhawhawhawhawhawhaw.i think that adele is at it.not gonny be here.aye right




  1. Safc we did notice when you weren't around and we are just glad you came back safely.

    There is no way you can leave us for 6 days never mind 6 months lol

    I answered your question adele.

  2. I will be away untill from Saturday - Thursday as I'll be in Glasgow having a 4IAR Beach Party

  3. who cares

  4. well my question seems to have dissapeared!!

    no excuses chas I promise!!

  5. Are you saying Adele is anticipating defeat?

  6. i went away last year for six months while i was in Afghan chas and no-one missed me, so.........have you gone yet mate???lol

  7. Were you up in the sky in your fighter plane air force bummer ? Ya bellend.......5 words........jamie campbell fae the drum  

  8. hokadoka

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