
Just took OPK and faint line. ?? inaccurate?? what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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it was the result line :)




  1. nm, she is asking about OPK's (ovulation predictor Kits) not home pregnancy tests.....

    The test line has to be as dark or darker than the control line.  The control line will always be dark.  As you get nearer to ovulating, your test line will get darker.  Once you get a positive surge (darkest line), you will normally ovulate within 24-36 hours.


  2. Depends which line was the faint one.  If it was the result line then it is a possibility but not definite.

  3. Nope, you are not ovulating yet.  I think the person who said that 2 lines is positive (even if one is faint) must have misunderstood your question and thought you were talking about a pregnancy test and not an ovulation test.  With ovulation tests, the test line has to be the same color or darker than the control line to be positive.  Because many people have a small amount of HCG in their system, a lot of time there is a faint line.  Keep testing!  Hopefully you pick up your surge soon!!

  4. I would wait a day or two and retest to be sure your ovulating.

  5. Take it from me, I have 4 children and have used numerous pregnancy test.  A faint line is POSITIVE!  You can recheck in a week or so and the line will be darker.  It is just early enuf in the pregnancy that your hormone level is not quite as high.  I have found a positive test no matter how dark the lines are always positive and a negative test is not always accurate...I would retest in a week or so but I bet your expecting...Congratulations!!!

  6. no the test line has to be the same color or darker than the control for it to be positive.  

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