
Just turned 13 and I haven't gotten my period, should I be worried?

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I just turned 13 two weeks ago and my mom got her period when she was 13 and 1/2 but these days girls are developing a lot faster so I'm getting worried. I'm the ONLY girl in my grade that hasn't gotten her period. I had a check up with my doctor a couple of months ago (when I was still 12) and she said I was fine but she didn't check down there. Could there be something wrong with me? Should I worry? Are there any signs to look for that mean your gunna get your period?




  1. i got it at 14

  2. Periods usually start when u are 12 or 13. The age you can get your period is between the ages 9 and 16. It i perfectly natural for you to not started yet. The rest of the girls in your class are just early. Symtoms for getting your period is a creamish colored discharge, cramping, muscle aches, back aches, bloating, stomach aches, head aches, and much more. If you are not getting these symtoms dont worry. Everybody starts there period in a different way. Plus there are many more symtoms than the ones I listed.

  3. Do not worry! (:

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Girl's all get it at different ages. There really is nothing wrong with you.

    Sure, theres signs. You will start to get more pubic hair. Your discharge will be clear for 1-2 years before you get it with most girls.

    And, considering your mother got it at 13 1/2, you will probably be getting it soon. Bring pads to school just in case.

    And, for extra reassurance, I had this exact same problem. There is nothing wrong with being a late bloomer.

  4. No need to worry, it comes when your body is ready. My mom got it when she was 16! It could be because you have lack of nutrition? If you don't get it by high school, maybe you should check again.  

  5. There is nothing wrong with you ..13 is still young ..I was 16 when I first got mine ..every girl is different don't necessarly start at the same age as your mother did ..nor you friends will come in it's own good time usually start getting more secrections before it starts might also have cramps .

  6. No reason to be worried. Some girls don't get there periods up until they are 16.

  7. Alright I know this may sound weird coming from a guy but everyone develops at different time.

  8. CRAMPS! And it depends on what your weight is. if you are really light and not really heavy at all, you wont get yourperiod for along time. My mom didnt get hers till she was 15. so dont be worried.

  9. don't be worried

    you can get it at any age throughout your teen years

  10. dont be worried. my mom started on her 13th birthday, but im gonna b 15 at the end of october and havent started yet. i too am probably the only girl in my grade without it. good, i would like to keep it that way, lol

  11. Some girls start their early and some late my little sis started puberty when she was 6 and she is now 8 and got her first period 2 weeks ago  

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