
Just want to hear some opinions about when to have another baby.?

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I was just wanting to know some different opnions on how many years to have between babies my son is now just 6 months I was thiniking maybe 3 years would be a good time frame because i want them to be close together in age anyone have any opinions?




  1. I think between 2 and 3 years is ideal. My son is 2 and we just started trying for another one. I hope you get some good ideas about when you want another one. Good luck

  2. i think a three - four year age difference is ideal. thats what our plan was, but, oops, ours are 22 months apart. (believe me - this is not ideal)

  3. 3years seems good to me..

  4. As a father of 4, we found out that 2-4 years difference is best.

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