
Just want your thoughts on this?

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The doctor stopped my bc (July 27) because it has been rejecting my body. I had a period 3 days later lasted 3-4 days. A couple days later husband and I had a few mins of unprotected s*x a few times during that week. Week and a half later i felt nausead off and on sometimes morning sometimes more times at night. Couple days later husband and I had s*x again (protected) it hurt in the lower stomach the next day I had bad cramping lasted a day or two. Week later out of the blue feeling like I have to urinate alot and I still am. I have been having nasal congestion headaches not many backaches also. Just two days ago before my period was suppose to start(the 26th) husband and I had unprotected s*x again.. I just went to the doctors yesterday took a urinary test they said there is no bacteria unlikely UTI but we are going to treat it as if it were. They are going to take more tests then call me. Also the pg. test is neg. but it could be the HcG levels arent high enough but to take a test friday and see how it turns out.

I know I'm nervous but I dont know why because I would be excited if I was. Has this happen to anyone. Did it take a while for you to find out if you were ?





  1. I have heard that for some women - it can take up to two weeks or even slightly longer to finally see that BFP...some women just seem to be lucky with accumilating HGC in their bodies more rapidly and earlier on than others. I'm TTC #1 and am currently 8 days late for what should have been my first 'true' period off of birth control. Of course, I'm aware it's going to take some time for my cycles to return to a normal pattern, but I was CONVINCED ...I was pregnant this month. I've tested BFN since 10dpo and have now decided to cool off the obsessive testing and wait until the end of this week! If it's still late, I intend to have bloods done just to be sure.

    Sometimes you can convince yourself you are pregnant with symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches and nausea, cramping etc indicative of so many other things than pregnancy alone. I do really hope it's your month though! Keep us posted :]

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