
Just wanted some blog ideas?

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I want to start creating my personal 360 blog. What can I write about???




  1. well... what kind of stuff do you like?

    My blog changes every few days.... lat one i wrote was a recipe for New Years day

  2. A blog is an online journal of your thoughts. People write them for various reasons, but Yahoo! 360 is designed as a social networking tool with friends/family or to meet new people. A blog is one of those tools.

    I write mine to keep my friends/family updated on my activities and thoughts. I express myself better in writing. People read blogs out of curiosity about other people's lives and opinions.

    A good blog to me:

    1) Mainly, is one that is authentic. Your thoughts, your creative background, your interests - there's only one "you," so be expressive! I know, that's corny, but it's true.

    2) Keep it updated.

    3) Theme... is your blog a commentary on the latest news? Is it a diatribe about activities in your daily life? Is it only about your pet's quirks? A theme isn't necessary, but a purpose helps. Now, if you just want to write anything that comes to mind, well, try to make it sound like an interesting read.

    4) A sense of fun - humor always helps.

    See the 360 team post on "How to blog":

    See the 360 team post on "What makes a 360 page interesting?":

    Press release that explains "What is yahoo 360?":

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