
Just wanted to know.................

by  |  earlier

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Assalamu Aalikum...

I wanted to know,

What's happening in Karachi with Talibanis???

I heard they gonna come to Karachi and panic is everywhere in Karachi?? Is it true?

What are ur views bout it??

And do u like Parvez Musharraf?

And do u know MQM? What are they doing for Karachi?

Sorry the question was political, but im just sorta scared for my relatives there in Karachi, so i thought of askin it in Ramadan section cos i feel more comfortable asking here :)

So i wanted to know whats goin on there from people who live in Pakistan :)

Andd please please pleaseee no harsh comments when u really dont know what's happening there..

I know how much u guys dislike Pakistan, but its my country, no matter how bad it may be, it is my own country right, Cant help it :)

Sorry the question was political, but im just sorta scared for my relatives there in Karachi, so i thought of askin it in Ramadan section cos i feel more comfortable asking here :)

Thanks to you all...




  1. I do like Pervez Musharaf. He reformed the whole nation of Pakistan

    I am not really a fan of MQM, though the current naazim of Karachi is from MQM, and he is doing a good job for Karachi unlike the past nazim.

    Alot of restorations and technological advances are being made in Karachi, and it is said that Karachi will be the next dubai in the next 5 yrs.

    Musharraf is the Man! Go Mush!

    Taalibans are the enemies of Islam. They can never achieve victory, and that's what Allah has promised to the Muslims about His enemies. MQM is pro Shia, and that's one thing i appreciate about MQM!

  2. Walikumaslam.

    Taiban are Muslims and dont afraid. They dont kill Muslims. They are doing jihad. So help them by sending them money.

    No i dont like pervaz musharaf. He is athiest.

    MQM is the party of thieves and it is corrupted party.

    Dont be scared . Inshallah everything wil be ok. Well but situation is not going good. I am going karachi this wednesday. I know about there. No electricity no water. NO ata no food stuff. Everyday holiday.

    There are all the time problems going on.

    May Allah keeps your family safe.

  3. Wa alaikum salam

    Sister, I have no idea what's going on there right now. Only I know is Talibanis are sleeping at this time of the night , Musrraf mostly will be  dreaming of his future plus the rest of the Pakistan. So hope no panic till dawn. You shall get better response once our pak brothers and sisters are awake.

  4. Khawarijs can appear everywhere Lol

  5. W/salam

    I am not sure either about anything happening in Karachi

    I am not sure!

    My views about Talibans in Pakistan is that Pakistan needs to deal with those fools of MQM more than it has to worry if there was a danger of US army to take ove Pakistan.

    I like Musharraf.

    I hate MQM, they are just bunch of fools and idiots...that know nothing about Islamic politics and the need of today along with the religion!

    he questio is just alright, cause you won't be able to find more reviews anywhere else.

  6. I don't like MOM!!

    i don't like Musharraf!!

    the rest Allah(swt) knows!!

    @ asker i don't hate nobody!!

    Edit: MQM destroyed Karachi and Mushrraf destroyed Pakistan!! but Mushraff is good for Pakistan, i mean most of his polices are good for Pakistan but MQM is only criminals and Gangs !!  i still have support for mushrraf!!

    look what they did this day

    and i don't live their recently, so i don't know???

    i hope peace for Karachi !!

  7. musharraf sucks end of!

  8. i dont think the taliban can create a stong hold in karachi. They are big in Peshawar and that is where all the c**p comes from.  MQM is a terrorist group. I mean they listen to a guy on a phone living in UK....and who is a wanted terrorist in Karachi. UK is harboring a wanted terrorist and no one seems to care.

    Parvez Musharraf? I think he was better then the nut jobs we have in office now.  Both parties are proven corrupt and yet they got re-elected.  Musharaf at least had everything going for Pakistan. The economy was getting better until recently with all the bs politics.  What has the new govn't done now that it is in power? Everything is just as bad and even worst.

    No hope for Pakistan atm.  

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