
Just wanted to take some laxitives for a few weeks to lose a few pounds will thie work?

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Just wanted to take some laxitives for a few weeks to lose a few pounds will thie work?




  1. instead of using laxatives, why don't you do a digestive cleansing??? that not only might make you lose weight, but it will also clean it out for you. I would not trust laxatives for that. Or maybe just use nature's way of losing weight that is also partly a laxative; fiber. Eat like 40 grams of fiber a day and you should see results in 3 days.

  2. You can find:  How to lose 2 pounds a week?

    I believe that weight loss always starts from mindset. This is the reason why i am able to lose 15kg in 2 months and maintain for 3 years straight, all the way till my pregnancy.

    1) What is my goal? I want to lose __kg in __ time.

    2) Why do I want to achieve this goal? (if possible, come up with 50 reasons)

    3) If I do not achieve it, what pains will I have? (come up with as many reasons as possible)

    4) If I achieve it, what happiness will I have? (come up with as many reasons as possible)

    5) What will happen to me if I continue my current situation for the next 10 years?

    6) Then when do I want to take action?

    Some solutions I can offer you for diet:

    Breakfast: eat fruits/drink fruit juice

    Lunch: Less carbo, more veg and fruits, less seafood, meat and eggs

    Dinner: Same as lunch but no solid food after 8pm. Soups are great dinners

    If you want to exercise to enhance the speed of weight loss. Go for some light jogging or do something you enjoy like an aerobic class or kick boxing class...

    search "How to lose 2 pounds a week?"

  3. That fad went out in the 70's. All you'll lose is water weight and gain it right back. Remember that scale weight is not fat weight. Anyone can lose scale weight and not look one bit different. Its fat loss that makes you feel better, look better and make people take notice. That is donw with reducing calories and exercising.

  4. I dont see why this wouldnt work !! Give it a go !!

  5. No, because you will dehydrate yourself, as you will lose mostly water.

    Your much better off exercising for an hour or two per day, as well as eating at least 1500 calories, but not more than 1700.

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