
Just watched loose change about 911 conspiracy, do you think it was a cover-up or not?

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if you havent seen it yet, watch it when the camera outside the petagon shows frame by frame of the explosion but it doesnt show any footage of the plane? WHY




  1. YES

  2. one thing i wonder about...they had the terrorists named and on tv so quick but they couldn't confirm the other passengers id until much later. was the list in thier hands already but no action taken until too late, or was the list made up? i saw the video of the plane in the fields but no big pieces of the plane. and didn't they say they identified the remains of a suspect there?

  3. Loose Change has been debunked 1000 times over. Stop watching that garbage.

    You really think the Bush Administration could pull something like that off? Give me a break...

  4. The media and the Democrats forced Richard Nixon to resign for Watergate even when no one died as a consequence of it.  The media and the Democrats have been very quiet about all this 9-11 "conspiracy" for the past seven (7) years (!!!!) even when the "evidence" is supposed to be at their fingertips.  So, it's either the media, the Democrats, the Republicans, and everybody else with government ties are in the conspiracy together, or there's no such conspiracy......

  5. people are insane today. 50 years ago or even 30 people would (and should) be rallying in support of our goeverment and the poor innocent souls who were ambushed that horrible day. Now the liberals think that our government ( =Bush) actually made it happen and that they staged it. Oh please.

  6. I believe that Loose Change is full of baloney.  We know who did this and why.

  7. h**l no, and you're a moron if you truly think it was.

  8. I used to but there are several glaring mistakes in the documentary. Try getting hold of the BBC's Conspiracy files on tower 3. It is a very two sided programme and it makes compelling viewing. Should at least help you make up your own mind as to what you believe!

    As to your 2nd point about the pentagon plane...

    The frame by frame camera shot relapses every 3 seconds i believe, work out how fast it would take an aeroplane travelling at speed to hit the pentagon.

    There were people on that plane too, are you suggesting that there families are involved too. Get real and stop being so insensitive to people whose lives have been ruined by this!

  9. I don't think 9/11 was a cover-up and I've seen all the evidence.  It is a very intriguing conspiracy theory, but then again, like with religion, humans try to see meaning behind very significant events.

  10. No. Want proof? Watch these movies.

    Farenheight 9-11. then watch FarenHYPE 9-11.

    It will answer all your questions.

    Conspiritors are just want attention....

  11. No, I have seen it too and I think those guys are grasping at straws.  There are a few good response videos out there, debunking the science behind the loose change vid.

    Anyway, chaos reigns supreme.  I don't think there are half as many conspiracies as people think.

  12. I saw that movie too. I have seen many 9/11 truth documentries, and thought most of them were good. Loose Change was one of my favs. Loose Change: Final Cut was not as good. What I realized is that  the best way to cover something up, is to do it right in front of our faces. That way, the only ones that will actually pick up on the reality of it are the people looking for the truth, (which would be us "crazy" people) so that the rest of the world would not believe the story credible.  Anybody that thinks it was ONLY the "terrorists" should look at the way the towers fell down.  Looks an awful lot like a demolition method doesn't it.  And what about that other building that was taken down not too far from the WTC? Why was that building destroyed while no others close by were touched? People that don't believe this need to realize that there is money to made in the suffering of others.  People profited off this tragedy, and Bush was able to use "fear of terrorism" to strip us of our rights, and rape the constitution with this "Patriot Act", with the pretension of keeping us safe. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

  13. I definitely believe it was a coverup.  Just check out and look at the videos posted.  These are the most riveting videos I have seen on the subject.  And as far as the Pentagon, just ask why only one camera shot was available from one of the most heavily secured buildings in the world.  And why not one witness was allowed to confirm sightings from the freeway the alleged plane went over before hitting the Pentagon.  

    Check out

  14. Since 9-11 was only 8 years ago, do you not remember the events of the day yourself?  The news reporting and the images are stuck in my brain.  Loose change is a moooooooovieeeee, just trying to make a buck, it is not real.

  15. I tried watching that last night. I couldnt get into the movie. If you want some real answers check out a movie called "911 plane site." That is a great movie when it comes to the 911 conspiracy. They leave no question un answered.

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