
Just watching Ghost Hunt on Reality, they said a 'Vortex' is a partially formed apparition?

by  |  earlier

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but i always thought a 'vortex' was a 'portal' or a 'doorway' for 'ghosts/spirits' to enter & exit, & i've been a paranormal investigator for over a year & who's right here?




  1. thier the pros. so i guess ,them.

  2. Sorry hun, they're correct!

  3. get a dictionary ....ape...

  4. I have been a Paranormal Examiner for 28 years, and I've heard both theories espoused.  However, As no one really Knows for sure.....they are theories.

    As the Energy Fields that we are able to detect with our Instruments is in a constant state of really difficult to state with absolute certainty that one is dealing with a "vortex".

    We are a Non-Profit Organization of Paranormal Examiners that seek the Truth about each Report of Paranormal Activity that we select to Examine.

    We conduct our Examinations in an Objective, Scientific manner, and will consider only Activity that can Verified as "evidence". We Do Not use Mediums, Demonologists, "sensitives"  or Psychics in our Examinations...only State-of-the-Art Equipment, Many years of Experience, and a tried-and-True Methodology.

    To be considered "evidence", Activity must be supported by a minimum of 3 Datum Directly dealing with the Activity, be it Audio (Digital and/or Analog), Video (Digital and/or Film), IR Thermal Imagery (Recorded), Temperature Fluctuations (Recorded on Video), Electro Magnetic Field Fluctuations (Recorded on Video), or Still Photos (Digital and/or Film).

    We do not consider that 1 "piece" of "evidence" or 1 EVP or "orbs" constitutes a "Haunting" takes a lot more than that.  By the way, we are not "ghost hunters" per se.  We are Paranormal Examiners, dedicated to seeking the Truth, and Only the Truth about reported Paranormal Activity.   We go into an Examination  with the Objective to Explain Logically (i.e.: "de-bunk") the Reported Activity or Activities.  We are considered to be "open-minded skeptics"...which is a compliment. We are able to Explain about 80% of the reported Activity....but there is about 20% that Defies explanation...and cannot be "de-bunked".

    Hope that helps answer your question.  Good Luck in this Difficult and Challenging Field...that can be rewarding as well.

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