
Just watching Ryann's Daughter, why did the English invade/occupy Ireland in the early 20th Century?

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Just wondering, this subject doesn't seem to be taught in schools, i wonder why ??




  1. We didn`t.

    We`d already "owned" it for many many years.Anyway the pesky taigs are returning the favour and invading us LOL.

    We increased our presence in the early 20th Century due to the uppity natives becoming restless - and to think we gave them the Potato ,without us there wouldn`t have been a potato to have a famine over LOL.

    It is not a widely taught subject in schools due to the sensitivity of the subject matter.

  2. that right for the potatoes we caused the potatoes famine not something to be proud of

  3. Occupation began 800 years ago and really only ended in the early 1920's. Northern counties are still occupied by Britain by the wish of the people. We have had a long a bloody history but have moved on a little and now we are looking to Europe more than being an offshoot of the UK. So to answer your question why did the British invade 20% of the planet in the 19th centuary? Just because they could thats why!!!

  4. They just came over to help the Irish with their gardening and to put them on a bit of an oul diet

  5. The same reason they invaded all the other countries - because they just have to have a finger in every pie! That's what they do best - ivade countries!LOL!

  6. Hello Craig,

            It's truly a very long and 'bloody story' and started out over 800 years ago, when the English found they were not getting a lot of value for the very small amount of money they thought they had invested in my country, so many times they ran riot amongst my forebears, and they usually came 2nd in that waste of a race to beat us into submission, sadly for them all it was certainly a waste of time, manpower, in their intent to make us all conform to their wishes.

              We all know that the pen is still mightier than any weapon, never mind just the swords of wars, and that was what it was going to take to eventually pi** the English off after every one of those 8oo odd years, when at last and eventually we got or independence from them thanks to a, short measure, From a very long and hard fought political set of talks in London which they were to call us "A Free State" which would eventually lead to Ireland becoming a Republic a few years later, and running every British person either back to their own country, or at the very least over the Border into the North of Ireland, where even in the early 20th Century, the English still had a lot of business investments, and having drawn a very wriggly line along the 6 Counties in the north, then proceeded to protect their investments the only way they knew how, with weapons, and yes it was the same guns and no roses they tried to make us surrender with during the great insurrection of 1916.

              As a secondary insult to our intelligence, they even tried to claim it was something to do with being Protestants versus Catholics, and make a kind of Holy War out of it all, well that was never going to work for them either, as we all know, anyone who mixes politics with religion, as cooking a recipe for certain disaster. So what it all comes down to is, after all that England did by sending our men, and women off to Botany Bay, as well as other addresses in the world, all they ended up doing was spreading our intent to get on with whoever we met, wherever they sent us to, despite all the reasons they sent us in the first place. Most of the cops in early days Australia were of Irish birth, as were the early days cops in New York and Boston. the English would never ever, not even today admit, that they were fighting a losing battle for every day of those 8oo years, but never mind, I for one, would never expect them to. There would come a time, when they would need every Irish man they could get their hands on, and, to even pay them money to rebuild and develop England, with its Roads, Canals, Railways and all the other building that they needed to be done,, so we came and invaded England and they paid us for our services instead of trying to force us to do it for potatoes.

              Craig, if you are laughing by now, well here's a closing note for you, and this is funny as well! We Irish did such a great job building England, that we forgot we needed to do it in our own country first, and Ireland kind of slipped down the developed country scale for a while, but we have a few motorways now, and some lovely houses for us to live in. So it'sHooray for the likes of Eamon De'valera, Michael Collins, and a whole lot of other Irish folk,including little me!, for keeping my country free and making sure it will stay that way too, The troubles in the north? Oh well, Heaven rest all those that perished in that awful struggle, but it truly was never going to be a success was it? and thank that same Heaven it will soon be over. I hope you enjoyed to read this, I was happy to write it for you, Bye Craig,~~ Tony M

  7. For the potatoes

  8. England didn't invade Ireland in the 20th century thats actually when we finally managed to kick the feckers out!! Like a few people said this a very very very very loooooooong story,800yrs long infact and the English really do not come off well in it at all (think about how George Bush comes off today). I can't really remember exactly why they first invaded us but the main reasons are:Ireland had always been problematic for the English and they general consensus was if they were under English rule they would, in theory, be less problematic(that sort of back fired on them,we actually turned out as the biggest pain in the **** they ever had),land=money,image(Britain was the greatest Empire in the world,they had colonies in Australia, India etc. it wouldn't do for this great power not to be able to control this itty bitty island next door) and mostly for protection (Ireland is small and would be an easy place for Englands enemy's i.e france and germany to gain access into England and attack). This is not even the tip of the ice-berg of what hapened between Ireland and England,but I agree with the person who said to ask a republican what happend we really like nothing more than telling the tale of our ''800 years of oppression at the hands' of the tyranical English Empire''.So head to the nearest Irish pub and I garuntee you you'll find yourself a Paddy ready and willing to tell you our sorry tale.

  9. I'll try to give the history 101 version.The english occupation of ireland began arround 800 years ago with what was called the plantations, which meant they took irish lands from irish people and planted the same lands with subjects loyal to the crown.Then came the penal laws, all of this can be found in the history books by the way. Many efforts were made by different rag tag irish organisations, the IRB and much later the IRA to ouster the english but even with the aid of the french and the spannish, this was not to be. People such as Wolfe Tone, Charles Stuart Parnell "a protestant" who was instrumental in land reform made life difficult as did Danniel O'Connell a Dublin barrister,  However the biggest mistake the english made was after an ill fated rebellion in 1916, the shot the leaders for treason.While most of the irish a that point in time had been used to english rule, this single act rekindled a want for freedom from england, enter Michael Collins and politic of mayhem, that eventually brought Lloyd George to the bargaining table with the result of a home ruling free state "a part of the commonwealth" in the1920s. It was not until the 1940s that ireland with the exception of the 6 northern counties became a republic. Annother point of interest Eamonn DeValera was a partisipant in the 1916 uprising, one of the leaders in fact, however he could not be executed for treason as he was a U.S. citizen and england in 1916 needed the U.S more than the U.S. needed engaland. I hope this was informative, if you look up the names I mentioned it makes for some good reading.

  10. It's a looooong story. They'd been there since the 13th century at least. Ask an Irish republican to tell you the story. It might cost you a fair few pints but you'll get the whole saga:-)

  11. Because we are bad bad ruthless people.

  12. because they're country is so bad they have to come to our lovely hills.I wish they would just leave us alone,eh???Why don't they just back off?How many times is that they have invaded us???10 maybe 20 thousand perhaps????!!!  :)   :)   :-)

  13. Guiness,,,whiskey,,,soda bread,,,,tattie farls,,,,poteen,,,,lovely people,,,the rain,,,,,,Father Ted,,,,,its a great place !!!!!!

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