
Just what's with UK insurance companies?

by  |  earlier

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How come so many insurance companies are so quick to write off a car and then ask if the owner 'wants to buy it back'?

The car is either safe to repair or it's not and they should repair it or give the market value. In a recent case the car I was about to buy was devalued by 25% because it was LHD, all this despite the owner paying the full premium + an excess due to it being LHD!

It's time the UK came in line with the rest of Europe!




  1. An insurance company is making a assessment of what they think its going to cost them to get the repair done (in terms of all bills associated with the claim) and what the residual value of the car would be once repaired

    if the costs are more than the residual value they will usually scrap it. you may be able to get it repaired cheaper than the insurers, especially if its cosmetic.. you may decide you aren't too worried about some minor war wounds which they would have to repair. they may also take the view that a LHD drive car is harder to repair, availability of parts much worse.. so it may take  longer to get new parts.

  2. Its more about 'economical repair'

  3. they had already sold my car before even making me an offer... and told me it had been written off.

    i only found out because i kicked up a fuss and went looking for it after the took it away.

    they told me it was in 'secure storage'... i found it in a scrap yard.. only 4 days after the accident.. and the scrapyard told me that they had bought the car for £2000.

    insurance company offered me £700.

    the actual value of the car in line with others of the same year and model was £5000!!

    dirty scammers!

    i have now got my car back.. had to pay for the repairs myself out of my own pocket and have a case with the financial ombudsman to try and get resolution.

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