
Just when I learned to walk again she comes back in my life. Now what ?

by  |  earlier

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My ex of 5 months has decided to come back into my life, and frankly I have been in a lot of pain when she decided to end our relationship. We have been on 2 dates so far and they have gone very well. She has never really open up to me like this before and I get the sense that her life is in a bit of turmoil at this point and she needs someone to lean on. Last night we went to the movies which she paid for both tickets than we ate dinner at the beaches which was very nice. Oddly to say I walked her back to her car and she shoke my hand, which I thought was odd. At the movie and dinner she flirted with me back in forth asking everything about my personal life: who I have been dating, where I hang out and so forth. I get the impression that she's interested, but I also get the impression that there could be someone else even though she says otherwise. Later that night I sent her text asking if she made it home ok, and she said, "yes... and it was soooo refreshing hanging out with you". To be honest I never seen her so happy as she cried herself laughing through out" Tropic Thunder". My thing is when do I pop the question to her on what her intentions are. C'mon who becomes friends with their ex's and why would she hang out with me on her day off, on Labor day if she wasn't in a committed relationship. I can't be friends with her but in reality it's been 5 months since we last spoke and now we have hung out twice two weekends back-to-back. I need help on how I should approach this issue because I am way to much in love with this woman to be friends with her. It took me almost 5 months to forget about her. How should I phrase the question? Should I call her, or wait for her to call me ?




  1. if she broke it off with u, i would let her do the calling.sure sounds as if she wants u back,just make sure she is through with whomever she was with first.

  2. Wait until she calls you.  Just come out and ask her what her intentions are and what does she want from you.  Tell her the pain she has caused you.  You need to be honest in order for this relationship to go any further.  Tell her you do not want to just be friends.  If you just wait and get tight lipped you will get hurt again later on.  She could be playing games with you or she could be genuinely wanting you back.  You have to learn how to communicate in order for this relationship to work.

  3. If she has already hurt you once don't you think it is best to guard your feelings at least with her?  I would stand back but do what makes you happy.

  4. Yes. Call her and confront her. If you are in love with her there is no point in playing along with any games she's playing. You need to find what her intentions are before you get hurt again.

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