
Just wonder why does Jr do this?

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Why does Dale Jr in almost every post race interview pause after every five words or so? It just seems so awkward!




  1. prob cause no matter what he do there always in his face he can lead 2 laps crash an come in dead last with 2 laps to go an i promise you they will be askin him what happen ect ect

  2. because he's catching his breath - he's very tired after trying to catch kyle for 500 miles ;-)

    --kyle's #1 fan

    "it ain't arrogance if you got the talent to back it up"

  3. He's got someone in his earpiece giving him the answers to the difficult questions he doesn't understand

  4. He has an earpiece in his ear with  a pr person feeding him his answers.  There is still a lot of noise immediately after the race that its hard for him to hear. Once he gets used to the format used to answer questions at HMS, like jj and gj, he'll actually be able to look up at the camera and give an honest answer.

  5. Proof that mental retardation is not a pretty thing.

  6. He takes time to think about what he says, instead of spouting off at the mouth like a "certain" someone who should take some lessons from Jr

  7. Maybe he's out of breath or something???

  8. He really seems to think about what he is going to say. I guess that is good. Some other drivers just put their foot in their mouth when they are talking.

  9. He's trying not to put his foot in his mouth like some other drivers tend to.

  10. Ya know, I don't know. But I do notice it. Probably because he swtiched to Hendrick and they're all clean-cut maybe he's thinking of the best way to say something.

  11. just the way he is, camera shy maybe????

  12. It appears he is just not as comfortable in front of the camera as some of the others and I think he wants to say things the right way, so as not to embarass his team and sponsors.  He also knows that everything he says is micro-analyzed. He will probably get better in time, but some people are just not as "camera-ready" as JJ and GJ.  You might also notice that Junior comes off as a little bit awkward in things that are scripted for him.  He is much more relaxed when talking about things he enjoys--video games, his new nightclub, hanging out with his friends, etc.  In his defense, there are many, many drivers and other athletes that are not good public speakers.  I have seen many multi-millionaire baseball, football, and basketball players (college-educated) who cannot speak well.

  13. it's called thinking before you say something to the media. People like to pick your words apart and twist them around. He probably doesn't like that. Off camera you can tell someone to "F" - off. You can't do that on camera. It took me a long time not to use the "F" word in conversation, because I was brought up using that word a lot. You have to be very careful what you say when your speaking to the public, or in business. People get offended easily.  You have to put up a "front". Freedom of speech is not really our constitutional right. We live in a hypocrital, image sensitive society.

  14. I read the Driver #8 book he wrote. It's a book he wrote about his rookie year and he said in it that he hates being bothered by the media. Well unless he wins, but who wouldn't be happy with a win?

  15. It is difficult being a corporate hendricks yes man.

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