
Just wondered. how do YOU feel about the wolf protections coming back?

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In Idaho,Montana, and Wyoming the wolf protections are back how do you feel?




  1. I think they ought to give the wolves to all of the bleeding hearts to care for and let the ranchers kill off the rest.  That's my idea of proper wolf management.  The same goes for coyotes.

  2. Another vote to kill wolves for every time you come to harrass us here. Wolf hunting is legal here too, I'm going to kill a few just for general principle, you are the cause of their deaths.

  3. Wolf hunting is legal here, I'm with the rest of them except I'm going to kill every wolf I see, there's no limit here because they're nuisance animals. Promise to go away and stay away and I might change my mind.

  4. Hey troll I warned you before about coming here to harrass us, now you've done it, when I go wolf hunting this fall, there's a wolf I'm going to kill because of YOU! I told I would do it if you came back here, and you chose to ignore it, the wolfs blood is on your hands because you can't learn to stay away and stop the harrassment. Way to go, YOU just caused a wolf to lose its life, how do you feel about that?

  5. They are still on the no hunting list in Maine.

    However, I would not hesitate to shoot a big "wolf-like" Trophy Coyote.

  6. Oh fear not; after the wolves kill enough pets, livestock and cause enough damage they will be forced to open the season again. I just hope no one gets attacked by them or killed. Oh yes wolves have killed and attacked people. They are bloodthirsty killers, that’s how nature designed them.

    As for me I am allowed to shoot 5 in hunting season and trap unlimited numbers during trapping season, here in Alaska.

    So my goal this winter is to kill about a dozen!

  7. all wolves must die

  8. Ranchers are just going to do the 3 S's.

  9. In the lower 48, I thought they shouldn't have been taken off the list in the first place.

    The very first week the AP came out with a story how a half dozen or so were already shot under the new "varmint" classification of I believe Wyoming.

    Enough problem wolves were/are/are going to be killed by ranchers loosing livestock anyway. I see no problem with them back on the list.

  10. I'm with Boker, you just caused TWO wolves to die because of your trolling in the hunting section.

    How do YOU feel about that?

  11. I think it is a Horrible decision for the protections to be back the wolves have sky-rocketed and are now overpopulating in some areas we need wolf control as wolves are on of the most deadliest predators in the world especially a pack of wolves they are indiscriminate about what they hunt for food and wolves always kill more than they are gonna eat because a lot of kills are just for sport or training of the new wolf pups that are in the pack the parents show them how to kill then the pups kill just for practice.

    So in a Nutshell it one of the worst decisions ever made.

  12. make that 3 wolves dead, I'm tired of trolls like you, and yes you were warned, your fault 3 more wolves are going to die.

    Feel good about yourself now?

  13. their were always wolves in the U.P. of Michigan. they were protected. I`m an avid hunter. and have several nice mounted whitetail bucks to my credit . Wolves have their place. I`ve witnessed one family or pack in the winter kill over 100 deer when they were yarded, but domestic dogs will do the same when no one is  looking. We had a problem with live stock. but I witnessed my neighbors lab and his husky try to take on my uncles horse.What I am really saying is I`ve stood face to face with a pack of 5 one day about 2 miles in the woods no gun no bow no stick. I STILL HARVESTED A 250 LBS. 20 INCH 11 POINTER LAST SEASON. Don`t be afraid of them their just like dogs only they just want to be free. If your a ? hunter in the woods and are afraid maybe you shouldn`t be there. P.S. if your out more for me HA HA HA!

  14. Anyone who would go out and kill an animal for pleasure and pleasure only should not be given a license. I am a deer hunter and I hunt for the fun and the meat, and I still have to go out with my dad and we both get doe tags, so that's four deer between us. We will only take two at the most, more likely one. The places we hunt are being shot to h*** and I think some sort of protection needs to be in place, like stopping doe harvest for a couple of years.

    Now when you have something as important as a predator that is being wiped out, the prey animals will begin to multiply and overgraze the area and ruin the ecosystem. I live nowhere near Idaho or the others, but I'm ecstatic!

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