
Just wondering, Does Ice Breakers cause cancer?

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Everything now days that we eat seems to have some health risk and can cause cancer (ex. Ramen Noodles). So a couple years ago there was a report on the news that Ice Breakers gum caused cancer. Now I'm not sure if this is still actually true but I would like to know.





  1. I have a cousin who works in a lab testing lab rats for cancer

    she told me that in the quantity they inject things into labrats tapwater would cause cancer.  In other words, they put 2-3 times the rats body weight of a chemical into a lab rat, of COURSE it's going to react to it...if I put 300 pounds of licorice in your body under your skin you'd die too....

    Don't worry about cancer so much

    You could chew a pack of Ice Breakers ever day for 80 years

    and never come down with cancer

    I promise

  2. If you listen to all those research reports it seems every week they are deciding that all foods cause cancer.  I would like to know what they found in Ice Breakers gum that they determined causes cancer.  Ridiculous.

  3. mate, these days everything causes cancer according to the labrats.

  4. i love ice breakers!

  5. What DOESN'T cause cancer these days?!

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