
Just wondering, how many of yall waited untill their wedding night to lose virginity? worth it?

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Just wondering, how many of yall waited untill their wedding night to lose virginity? worth it?




  1. waiting till the wedding night is so fulfilling no guilt ,believe me all the days of your life together.i am married for 7yrs now and we enjoy every time we are together,sometimes abt 3 times a day,when we have ample time or a holiday.a life of no guilt will be yours if u wait till the wedding night

  2. I think a lot of people do that and regret it. Most of the people I know who've done that got married very young (18/19) and to be honest, they just got married to have s*x.

    Waiting is great, but don't rush into marriage because you're horny, that's what I say.

    I think the most important thing is that you wait until you're truly in love and you're safe.

  3. I was pregnant at my wedding and no I don't regret.  But everyone is different.

  4. My mom didnt untill she was sure my dad was the one... as in really, truely loved her and then... umm... ya know... then they had ME... but, in the end... they got a present (me) so it was worth it.

  5. I did not and I regret it. I wish that I waited. The spark was not there and I have had a hard time loosing the images of my first. My husband was a virgin while we dated and we did it before marriage.  

  6. I had thought about it when I was younger, but then I thought of something that I didn't like.

    What if I never got married? Or I got married when I was really old? As much as I wanted to wait, I didn't want to be a virgin my entire life, either. I didn't wait and I don't regret having the s*x, but I do regret who I had lost it too. He is a jerk.

  7. didn't - wish i would have been able to choose who i lost it to!

  8. No no no!

    I waited until I found the right PERSON not potential husband- and we lost our virginity together at 17.

    It has been years since we dated and broke up but Im glad I lost it to him and will never regret it, as hes a great guy.

    Waiting until your married is a crazy idea, people need to experiment and sleep with various people before we really know what we want in a mate. Dont rush marriage ;)

  9. I waited and it was very special. Of course it was awkward to some extent, but hardly. It felt right. I do believe that everybody should decide for themselves how they feel about it. I decided at a young age that I would wait, not because of religious reasons but because I find s*x to be very intimate and I didn't want to share that with just anybody. Anyhow, in my case I thought it was well worth it.  

  10. I waited and regreted it.  

  11. No, I did not wait until I got married and I do not regret it. I don't feel guilt or shame, either... I feel like s*x and love are two different things. Sometimes I had s*x with people I loved, sometimes I didn't. To me, marriage has little to do with s*x. s*x is easy... living with someone is hard!

  12. I did not and have no regrets about that what so ever. I like s*x a lot and although it's a different character depending on the relationship I enjoy it all around.

    I also think sexual compatibility is very important in  relationship - I want to know what I'm getting into, because I would not be happy with someone who did not have at least a similar drive and similar sensibilities.

  13. No. I'm not married. I wish I would have waited for my current boyfriend. Hes the one for me. Do what you thinks right. I know many people who have waited. Don't give it away to someone who isn't worth it.

  14. I did wait, though I got married at 19 which is young, but I will guarantee that we did not get married for the s*x.

    I would say that it was totally worth it. I mean, for as awkward as it was, I don't think I would trade sharing that awkwardness, the complete trust, with anyone else for a short time of pleasure. Besides, looking towards the rest of our lives it's really nice for me to know that I don't have to try to live up to any expectations that his past has set for him, and he doesn't have to try to perform to be better than anyone that I may have slept with. It's a learning experience for both of us that is, though still awkward at time, a lot of fun and worth the complete trust and faith that we have in one another.

  15. No. neither me or my fiance waited. In fact, we already have 2 children together. I respect the fact that a lot of people choose to wait but I, myself don't regret not waiting because it resulted in us creating 2 beautiful children. s*x for the both of us is still special and amazing. The passion gets more and more intense each time. This is just how it is for us, it doesn't mean it would be the same for anyone else.

  16. I'm not married, but me and my boyfriend are waiting, we are 18 and have been together for 2 1/2 years, we plan on getting married after finishing college, and that's going to be our wedding present to each other  

  17. I just can't imagine how doing that with a random person or more than one would make me feel good inside.  I waited and it was worth it.  I'm sure there are people that regret waiting, but I'm not one of them (and neither are the friends I've had that waited).

  18. im a virgin till my wedding night b.c of my religon adn that its soo beautiful to share love with the man that u want forevr.

  19. You know, I was just asking myself that question. I am no longer a virgin, and I don't regret losing it, I just regret the guy I was with. You know, the whole mumbo jumbo about waiting, especially if you're in a country where there is no divorce, how can you be sure that you're sexually compatible with the person you're marrying if you don't try? I know that marriage is more than just s*x. But doesn't s*x play an important role in a marriage?  

  20. i did not. and yes i was glad i didn't. i did not enjoy s*x with my first love & until i met my fiance i didn't know it could be so great! you need to find someone your compatible with!

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