
Just wondering. If you purchase a car with a$1500 down payment. And its only been a week, and your not happy?

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Can I return car? Get any of the down payment back? Help!!




  1. There are no laws that allow you to return the car. The only way you could return it is if you can talk the seller/dealer into taking it back, or if your loan application falls through because you have credit problems.

  2. No you can't just take it back. You should have given more consideration to the deal before buying it.

  3. Nope as soon as you take the car off the lot it deappreciates, its not what you paid for it.

  4. no

  5. you may be able to get into a different car but don't expect a full refund like Wal-Mart.

    you entered into a contract and agreed to pay.

    they have no cooling off period or return policy.

  6. No like someone else said your car is now worth 1/4 if not less than it was when it was on the lot. the only way to do it would be to sit down with the manager and explain to him your problem..he might feel bad for you and take it back, but he will definitely deduct something from you for doing this. good luck!

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