
Just wondering about clothing size for my 4 year old.?

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She is very tall for her age (4) 5 in March. Dr. says her height and weight are in proportion, but I have to put her in a size 7 pants, and then have them hemmed. Anyone else have a child this much out of range in their clothing size??




  1. Children's clothes are made for the "average" child.  Unfortunately no child is an "average" size.  My 3yo fits a 4t but we have to use a belt because the waist is to big.  He is tall but lean. Our 2yo is still using 12 mos and sometimes 18mos clothing though we put him in 24mos/2T for pants because he has long legs, but tends to be shorter.

    Also depending on the brand we have found that sizes can differ anywhere from one size to a few sizes.  As long as she is healthy, that is the important part.

  2. I find that an average sized boy wears clothes 1 size larger than his age.  My son who will be 3 next month wears a 4t.  However girls clothes run much smaller.  My niece is the same age as my son, and the same size.  She wears 1 size larger than himand she does not look like a much older child than her age at all.  It seems ludicris to buy clothing in a size 5 for a child who is still 2, but that is what it is.

  3. I wouldn't worry about it. Sizes mean nothing. It is how healthy your child is. My Daughter is 6 and she still wears a 4 around the middle, but right between a 5-6 in the height. They just make clothes to the best of their abilities.  

  4. I do!  But its the opposite.  My 3 year old daughter still wears anything from 6 mos (shorts and skirts) to 18 mos pants and shirts.  She weighs 22 lbs (which is the size of a 1 yr old).  She wasnt preemie or anything, just a tiny kid.  Its impossible to find clothes to fit her.  If I buy stuff small enough in the waist, its often too short.  Its soooo hard to find clothes that fit her correctly.  Fun, isnt it????

  5. Yeah, my 3 year old who wears size 6 clothes now.  It's not about the clothing, it's about how healthy the child is!  Take it as a sign she is healthy since she is proportional.  In our family, it's best to be tall, and it's celebrated.  Meanwhile, be sure that folks understand she's going to act her age, not her clothing size.

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